020 // happy yonjen

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Liked by Justfelix and 846,017 others. h.hyunjin20 u don't know how fucking happy I am :'DDDD
Martino09: hMmmMmm...
kittyflu: hMmmMmm...


Hyunjin jumps from his bed, beaming towards the sunlight. He felt too good for today, so he decided to wear something that matches his mood.

A yellow button-up shirt and a pair of slacks that fits perfectly around his thighs. After dressing himself up, he prepares his breakfast, he's been eating healthy foods ever since someone noticed him looking so thin.

"Good mood today?" Chan says as he pulls a chair across hyunjin, taking some of his foods that he prepared just for himself, that kinda ruined his mood. A bit.

"Hey, cook for yourself. Don't touch mine." Hyunjin slapped the other's hand, earning a whine from him. He pouted before standing up from his seat.

"Why are you even here?" Hyunjin asks, tucking into his food.

"My parents had a fight again, I'm so fucking done." Chan sighs, grabbing some eggs from refrigerator.

"Oh, again?"

"Yeah, again." Chan rolled his eyes before scoffing.

"Well, you're always welcome here whenever you want." Hyunjin says, not even looking at the other as he scrolls through his social media.

"Yeah I know, thanks. That why I always rely on you."

Hyunjin gave him a smile. "No problem."

"By the way, why were you in a good mood? that's so rare." Chan tries to open up a topic while cooking his eggs.

"Uh, because- I'm just in a good mood."

"I'm sure it has a reason in it, tell me." Chan wiggled his eyebrows and flips the spatula he's holding, it was too fast that he didn't catch and it fell inside the cooking pan, ruining his eggs.

"Fuck." Chan curses, immediately picking the spatula and stared at his broken eggs.

Hyunjin laughed before talking. "Nothing, don't even ask."

"I'm not in a good mood then." Chan says as walks out of the kitchen emotionless.

"Ya! You didn't even turned off the stove!" Hyunjin shouts making his way into the stove, turning it off before shaking his head.

Hyunjin sat back, spacing out.

"I wanna see him so bad."


The weather is hot but that didn't stop hyunjin for being in a good mood as he walks happily into their campus, his first period haven't started yet, giving him a time to think and relax, he found a bench and sat on it.

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