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justfelix posted a new photo!

justfelix posted a new photo!

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231,073 likes and others.
justfelix hey y'all.
bianx: oH YES DADDEH
kittyflu: bianx are you his child?
bianx: kittyflu stfu.

h.hyunjin20 posted a new photo!

hyunjin20 posted a new photo!

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232,093 likes and others.
h.hyunjin20 watchu doin'
weluvhyun: yESSSSS
kittyflu: wow, felix wore the same hat. But different color.
h.hyunjin20: don't mention him ever again :)


Hyunjin sat in his room, frowning.

Seeing felix wearing the same hat as him makes him wanna vomit.

He just thought of one thing.

Felix copied him.

"Tch, copycat." He smirked, planning something.

But he stopped when he remembers, felix is 6 yrs older than him, well he's turning 19 anyway.

Hyunjin shrugs it away, he doesn't mind at all. Felix remains his enemy.


Have you heard of Copycat by Billie eilish?

I know what you're thinking, please stop. I don't have time for your bullshit.

See! You already know what I'm talking about, I'm getting tired of you stupid games!

Besides I posted it first.

No I did.

You were 2 seconds away when I posted it.

Okay, we posted at the same time.


Your face is literally pissing me off everytime.

Wow I didn't know you're this obsessed for me.

Fuck you.

Is that a typo?

What? -.-

You're supposed to say 'fuck me'

Fuck you and your perverted mind. Old fucker.

You sure curses a lot.

Yeah, because fuck you.


Felix can't help but laugh at the other's childish behaviour.

He realize something, hyunjin doesn't like losing. That's what made him childish. And the fact that hyunjin only messages him is because of he thought he was stealing his supporters.

"Pft, well ain't my fault for being handsome." Felix sigh, he'd be lying if he doesn't admit that he's kinda enjoying it.

no big deal at all, felix enjoys the kid being annoyed by him. he usually don't care about stuffs around him, or anything in the internet.


"Bang bannggg~ heeeeelp, I'm frustrated." The blonde boi clung into his friend's arms, disturbing the other.

"Get off! I'm trying to solve this piece of shit." Chris tried to push him away but failed when he looked at the other's face. It actually looked frustrated.

"Oh god, hyunjin I swear. You're too bothered because of that felix kid." He shook his head.

"Don't call him a kid, he's way too older than us." Hyunjin rolled his eyes as his hands remained on his friend's arm.

"How'd you know?" Chris asked, frowning.

"He tricked me, he said he was fifteen. And then as soon as I told him my age, he revealed his actual age." Hyunjin said with a irritated face, not accepting his lose against the boi.

"Which is....?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes once again.

"24." He simply said, half stomping.

Hyunjin frown when chris bursted into laughter, and he's boiling again. In anger.

The blonde boi smack's his friend's head.

"Ow! I appreciate that." Chris rubs the back of his head and moves away from hyunjin, just incase he gets piss again and get another smack from hyunjin. He knows hyunjin, he randomly smack people out of nowhere when he's frustrated.

"YOU TWO! WHAT'S THE MATTER BACK THERE? MIND SHARING IT WITH ME?" Mrs. Jung yelled while her stick was pointed towards the two bois chatting, causing the whole class to pay attention to them.

They both went quite and lower their heads, elbowing each other's arms.

"It's your fault."



Idk, there's only few hyunlix shippers, I dont even know why I ship them, they just fit perfectly. Smol bean felix and tall papa hyunjin.

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