025 // desperate

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"I know you'll hate me or even avoid me after this, but I can't contain myself anymore. I'm sorry, felix." Those words left hyunjin's mouth before pressing his lips against felix's pink ones.

Felix lifted his hands, slightly pushing hyunjin away, but he was too strong and his grasp didn't want to let go of felix's small body as hyunjin proceed on kissing him, felix soon gave in, dropping his shoulders, going with the flow.

They move their lips in sync, there's only few people around them. Hyunjin is pretty sure no one would see them, or so he thought.

Hyunjin smiled during their kissing session, dragging his fingers through felix's silver hair then pushing him,deepening the kiss. Hyunjin's other hand then travelled down to felix's ass, slightly squeezing it causing him to whimper, allowing hyunjin to slip his tongue inside as he roam around, feeling the warmth of felix.

Felix knew they shouldn't be doing this especially in public, so he knew he had to stop. He finally used his strength to push hyunjin away.

"W-what's the matter?" Hyunjin asked, worried.

Felix's hair is messy, swollen lips and rosy cheeks, hyunjin also know his limits, he doesn't want to rush things but the felix he's witnessing right now is too much for him to handle.

He wants more.

"Felix, please. Let me have you, just for tonight." Hyunjin held both of felix's hands, rubbing it with his thumb as he eyed him with full of lust.

As for felix, this side of hyunjin is kinda irresistable.

Hyunjin pleading to have him, felix never thought this would happen in his life, he wasn't prepared.

Hyunjin noticed felix weren't answering so he pulled him again closer. "Don't turn me down, I'm desperate." Hyunjin whispered before licking felix's bottom lip teasingly.

"You do realize we're still outside, right?" Felix said, slightly turning his head left to right, good thing. They're alone, it's pretty late.

"Is seungmin there?" Hyunjin asked, felix shook his head, causing the other to lit up.

"Then can we?" He raised an eyebrow, smiling widely.

Felix grew nervous, not knowing what to do. He smacks hyunjin's bare arm, earning a groan from him.

"Ouch." Hyunjin laughed a bit.

Hyunjin decided to drop it, thinking he mightve gone to far that he made felix uncomfortable, he smiled at the fluttered felix before ruffling his hair.

"Alright, i was just kidding, you should go inside and uh..." Hyunjin chuckles nervously, rubbing his nape. "-im sorry about the kiss." He continued.

Felix is going to expload if he stays longer at his spot, which is between hyunjin's legs. He's still sitting on his bike, holding felix.

Felix just nods, mouth still shut. Hyunjin finally let him go, motioning felix to get inside already.

But the thing is, felix didnt even move. Still remaining quite and frozen. Hyunjin smiled. "Do you want more?" He teased.

"Shut up, you brat." Felix grumbles, finally coming into his senses, stomping away as hyunjin watches his back in awe, he felt butterflies in his stomach, he loves the feeling, of inlove.

Hyunjin squeezes himself, mentally squeling. "You look cute, just so you know!" He shouts.

Felix lifted his middle finger and pointing it towards hyunjin as his response.

Hyunjin shakes his head before adjusting himself, he took one final glance at felix who just shut the glass door.

When hyunjin made sure felix is out of sight he drove away with a wide smile on his face as their kiss from ealier keeps flashing on his mind during ride on his way home.


Hyunjin's POV

"You kissed him?!" Chan burts into laugh while pointing his forefinger towards me, i gave him a dead gaze before swatting his hand.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, just goodluck, you know felix. He always likes to play hard to get, you better prepare yourself."

I groaned as realization hits me, popping the lid of the jar filled with pickles, the one i bought with felix.

"I know, he'll probably avoid me." I sighed, i dont even know why i did it. I shoulnt rush things between me and felix, i know he isnt that type of a person who rush things.

Im just so getting impatient and felix is getting so-... i cant even explain, i feel like hes seducing me eventhough hes actually not.

What the fuck are you doing to me, lee felix.

"You know i wont stop bothering you if you dont tell me the whole details right?" Chan looked at me playfully, he also has this whatever the fuck, he wont stop annoying me until he hears whatever he wants to hear from me.

I plopped myself on the bed, letting my back sink on the mattress as i stare at the ceiling, repeating the wonderful kiss i had with felix on my mind.

"Well, it felt so unreal, the way his lips brushes against mine felt so fucking amazing. The way my arms fits perfectly around his small waist, his soft hair ugh i love it, and this is the exciting part, he looks so damn sexy when we pulled apart." I bit my lip as i explained, it wasnt the whole details that chan wanted but he looks satisfied with it.

"You're inlove, mate." Chan snickered.

"Yes, i am."

"And please, stop procrastinating.


I just got a new phone! By the way im sorry if this chapter is short, my head hUrTs *insert side effects*

I just got a new phone! By the way im sorry if this chapter is short, my head hUrTs *insert side effects*

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