﹙ 𝐢𝐢 ﹚ another one bites the dust

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🖇·˚ ༘ ┊͙[ chapter two ] ! ˊˎ

╰─▸ the sorting hat, staring contests, and tired eyes

     I HAD FINALLY FOUND PEACE ON THE TRAIN when it suddenly came to a rough stop, jolting me out of my once comfortable sleeping position, waking me up. I reluctantly lifted my head from the window and squinted my eyes to try and readjust to the light.

     "Nice nap ey?" Spencer asked, quite clearly taking the piss.

     I kicked her shin and she winced in pain, "Very nice thank you." I replied smiling.

     I looked up and out of the window to see the Hogwarts castle standing tall. I may hate it here, but I guess I could admit the grounds were quite beautiful. We grabbed our stuff and exited the train and eventually boarded the carriages.

     "Hey, guys, what happened with that chamber thing last year?" I asked, still not one hundred per cent certain about the events that happened the previous school year.

     "Ohh yeah, Potter and friends came to the rescue, once again," Ava answered rolling her eyes.

     "Aren't they like 10?" I asked causing the two of them to let out a little squeak of laughter.

     "No, y/n, they're 13." Spencer corrected me.


' ੈ˚ ❃  

     WE REACHED THE CASTLE and entered the great hall; the ceiling gleaming in the enchanted way it always did. As we sat down at the Slytherin table at the far end, I noticed that same boy from the train glaring at me. I looked him up and down, in hopes to intimidate him and he almost immediately looked away, distracting himself with his friends around him.

     Still unbeknown to who he was, I turned to the girl sat next to me when I was sure he wasn't looking this way, "hey who is that kid?" I nudged Ava who was flirting with Marcus Flint beside me. She turned back to face me.

     "Oh him? That's Cedric Diggory. Dreamy isn't he?" she answered and I watched as she eyed him and eventually looked away.

     Ava was an extreme flirt and turned the heads of every boy in the school. She was the kind of girl to be interested in a new guy every year. I myself, however, didn't want anything to do with men, at all.

     The name seemed to ring a bell and my first thought was that he was just as much as a heartthrob as Ava was. Then I realized who it actually was.

     "Diggory? As in the Hufflepuff seeker?" she nodded and I scoffed in reply.

     I was a Slytherin chaser, some might even say the best in the school and my team's captain. This meant I basically despised anyone that played Quidditch unless they were on my team.

     The large entrance to the great hall swung open and all the first years suddenly came strolling in, led by Professor McGonagall. I searched for Will and when I made eye contact he stuck his tongue out and I smirked back at him.

     Dumbledore began making his speech and, seeing as I was disturbed on the train, I felt my eyes start to drift off. I must say, the sorting was quite enjoyable to watch and so was guessing each house the first years were to be sorted, but Merlin his speech was boring.

     The next thing I knew, Spencer was nudging me to wake up. I rubbed my eyes slightly. "What did I miss?" I asked.

     "Not much, just that some Lupin dude is the new DADA professor," Spencer explained.

     "What happened to Lockhart?" Ava said, almost disappointed as she joined in the conversation.

     "Who cares?" I said rolling my eyes. He could have died for all I cared. Ava and Spencer, however, completely drooled over him. Unbeknown to me of course.

     A few first years were sorted and eventually, it was Will's turn.

     "Y/l/n, William," McGonagall readout.

     I watched as my little brother tentatively walked up to the stool, looking as if he was going to heave.

     "So y/n, watcha thinking?" Ava asked me, inclining herself closer to me.

     I leaned in so she could understand my whisper, "He's nowhere near mature enough to be a Slytherin, I'm telling you now." She laughed slightly and sat back up.

     "Hufflepuff!" The sorting hat yelled. I huffed in disbelief. At least mum would be proud. And I just found yet another reason to dislike my brother greatly.

     He looked over at me as he hopped off of the stool, seemingly proud of himself. He then proceeded to sit down next to none other than Diggory. I shook my head, leaned back and crossed my arms.

     "Hey look, Diggory's checking you out," Spencer said, winking as she leaned over to me, nudging my shoulder.

    My eyebrows furrowed, choking out a laugh. "Urm why?" I asked. I glanced over to the Badger's table for a second time and sure enough, he was staring right at me.

     "Err I don't know, maybe cause you're hot." Ava joined in, smirking.

     I huffed in amusement, my arms still crossed. I looked at her and smiled, "Right, yeah, because I'm sure that's it."

     "Why do you have to be so sarcastic all the time y/n/n?" Spencer asked me.

     "Okay, first of all, drop the name, and secondly it's my way of coping in this school. You know you love it really Spence." I said playfully shoving her.

     I looked back at the boy, who for some reason was actually in an apparently amusing conversation with my very irritating little brother. He looked up at me and I gestured my head to Will as if to say "why on earth are you talking to him?".

     He shrugged and turned back to my brother and his friends.

     I tried my best to enjoy the enormous feast in front of me (that would usually be enough) but I couldn't shake the thought of the same boy that I may have walked into on the train not too long ago. Nonetheless, my bed seemed like the best place to be right now.

✓ epiphany ━━  cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now