𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲

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"Alastor Moody." he said sternly, and began scribbling his name on the chalk board behind him, at the front of the class. "Ex Aura. Ministry malcontent. And your new defence against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" there was an awkward silence and no one dared say anything. In all honesty, he kinda scared me a bit. "When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

Another uncomfortable silence that seemed to drag on. "Three sir." Hermione, who was sat beside me muttered.

"And they are so named?"

"Because they are unforgivable. Use of any one of them will..."

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban." he threw his chalk on a desk. "Correct. Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find somewhere else to put
your chewing gum other than the underside of your desk Mr Finnigan!" he yelled, still facing his back to the class.

"Ah no way, the old codger can see out the back of his head." Seamus moaned, making me laugh to myself and causing Hermione to nudge me.

"So, which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!" he yelled, causing the redhead to face the front once again and jump in fear.

"Yes..." he whimpered.

"Stand." Ron slowly and tentatively stood up, "give us a curse."

"Well, my dad did tell me about one...the imperious curse."

"Ahhh yes, your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." he limped back to the front and picked out a large, insect looking thing. He aimed his wand at the creature, "engrosio imperio." the spider grew out its legs and was now the size of the man's hands.

He used his wand to control the spider and move it around the room. First onto Dean Thomas' desk, then onto Crabbe's head. "Don't worry. Completely harmless." the room broke out into fits of laugher. "But if she bites... she's lethal!" it was now hovering over Ron's head. Obviously, the part I found most amusing is when Malfoy found the same creature that was once on his classmates desks and limbs, was now on his own face. "Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only do did you-know-whose bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. But here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars? Another.. another..Come on come on." a few people raised their hands, but Hermione and I, didn't dare to. One of the students to bravely volunteer their knowledge was Neville. "Longbottom is it? Up."

As Neville cautiously stood up, Mad eye approached his desk. "T-there's the c-cruciatus curse." he stammered.

"Correct! Correct! come come. Particularly nasty. The torture curse." he gestured for the boy to follow him to the front and Neville did so. "Cruccio!" the spider began squealing, piercing my ears. I didn't dare watch, it was too painful to see Neville so disturbed. Both my grandparents were tortured under this curse and eventually killed with the final unforgivable curse. It made me furious that a professor would even consider to perform these in a classroom.

As the squeals continued and Neville's face became even more contorted with distress, I broke. "Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him, please just stop it!" I yelled.

In response to my outbreak, Mad-eye looked up at Neville and stopped. He picked up the spider and began approaching my seat in the class. I tried to look away and conceal myself in the comfort of Hermione, but he had already reached my desk, and placed the shaking creature in front of me, on a pile of books.

"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Y/L/N." he asked.

Tears began forming in my eyes and I fought hard to keep them there. I shook my head, distraught.

"No? Avada Kedavra!" my whole body shook. Words left me. I stared into his eyes burning with anger, and my heart fell silent. It felt as if I was stuck underwater. My eyes wide as I stared at him in horror.

"The killing curse. Only one person is known to have survived it. And he's sitting in this room." he had now approached Harry's desk and all eyes were on him.

He made my blood boil. How he got this job, I still don't understand.


"Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!" the once chattery great hall, was now silent with anticipation. All week had lead up to this night. Did I think I would be selected? Absolutely not, but exciting none the less.

The great hall was centered around the goblet, the blue flame still brightly lit. The headmaster approached the magical object as everyone bustled around it and took their seats. He used his hands to eliminate any other light from around the room, except the one that belonged to the flame in the middle. The room fell dark and Cedric squeezed my hand. Dumbledore touched the goblet's base and the once Hades blue flame, was now a sharp red. It shot out a smoking piece of parchment.

"The Durmstrang champion is ... Viktor Krum!" the Durmstrang boys erupted into proud roars of encouragement, as the rest of the school applauded. Krum greeted Dumbledore, who too congratulated him, and walked out of the hall.

Once again the flame turned red and shot yet another name out, "the champion from Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour!" the girls from the school gracefully cheered on their winning peer, almost politely. She too was congratulated by the Hogwarts headmaster.

Another name was shot out. "The Hogwarts champion" I tightened my grasp on Cedric's hand. "...Cedric Diggory!" he announced. I felt, relieved. And of course extremely happy for him. The room roared with cheers and he shook a few hands from the people sat opposite us, before leaning in and kissing my cheek, sweetly.

"Hey, I don't feel like shit. Because it was you that won." I whispered in his ear, playfully punching him, causing him to chuckle and smirk at me as he walked off.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the Triwizard cup!" he pointed to a cloaked object, of which now, its cover was flown off and revealed a silver cup, 'wiz' engraved on it. The room clapped vigorously.

Out of no where, the once settled blue flames, were now flying around, sharply. The claps died down, and the room was now silent, bar the swishes of the agitated flames. It turned red, just like it had done for the other champions.

More viciously this time, the fire shot out one more name. "Harry Potter. Harry Potter?" Dumbledore muttered, just as confused as the rest of us. I slowly looked at Harry and gave him a questioning look. It turns out the rest of the room had decided to do the same. "Harry Potter!" the headmaster was shouting now.

Hermione pushed Harry to stand up and forced him towards the rest of the room. As he walked towards the headmaster, who shoved the parchment at him, I heard mutters and saw scowls from the rest of the school.

"What a loser, always has to be the centre of attention." a sixth year Hufflepuff said from across the table I was sat at.

"Shut it! He wouldn't do that..." I trailed off and watched his figure disappear behind the crowd of teachers. "surely..."



y'all i know, technically she wouldn't have been in that lesson, but it would have been boring otherwise xoxoxo

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