﹙ 𝐱𝐢 ﹚ likely story

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🖇·˚ ༘ ┊͙[ chapter eleven ] ! ˊˎ

╰─▸ crushes, favouritism, and dreams

     DESPITE THE WELCOMING GLOW OF THE SUN washing over my skin, as the rays poured through the windows, today was never going to be a particularly good one.

     Potions was a strong subject of mine, but in my personal opinion, the better the teacher, the better the subject. And double potions, making up two hours of my day, suffering in a rotting classroom at the pit of the castle with a severely cantankerous teacher, was never going to be the kickstart I wanted or needed. Not to mention a partner I was stuck with and wasn't exactly on speaking terms with.

     Rolling out of bed accompanied by a groan or two, I got dressed and shuffled down the spiral staircase and found Ava and Spencer all ready and up, waiting for me in the common room.

     "Alright there, sleepyhead?" Ava asked, elbowing my side, as the two of them grabbed their bags and we began making our way to breakfast.

     "Oh, particularly marvellous darling." I moaned sarcastically, turning to Spencer to address her, "I swear you need some kind of sleep therapy, your snoring is literally ear piercing."

     Faking a sympathetic look, Spencer looking rather offended, we settled down at the far end of the table, for breakfast - the wooden planks lined with dishes and plates and a variety of goods.

     "So, how did tryouts go?" Ava asked, serving herself a slice of toast, and buttering its surface.

     I nodded nonchalantly, "Yeah, not bad actually. I managed to find a new beater and two new subs." I ate a spoonful of my cereal.

     "And how did Marcus do?" Ava added, brandished with a flirtatious smile that was evidently spread across her face.

      It was now clear that the one and only reason Ava had asked me about tryouts, was to find an excuse to bring Marcus Flint into the conversation. Perhaps she was trying to be subtle, but any mention of her new love interest was a bore. I should have known really; it's not like Ava to show any kind of interest in the sport, whatsoever.

     My expression didn't change, "Terribly actually. I kicked him off the team." I deadpanned with a hint of a sarcastic tone.

     Ava looked almost mortified by the statement and gasped rather dramatically. "What? Why? No offence, y/n, but he's the best chaser you've got!" Ava was almost yelling, and her toast was now on her plate after her dropping it in a fit of rage and disbelief.

     "Um, offence taken. And I was joking," I said as if it were obvious. "Course I didn't kick him off. And besides, I wouldn't have guessed for you to be interested at all. Or is it because you two are an item now?" I smirked. Spencer was trying to conceal her own smirk, but she still snorted a little,

     "We're not!" Ava said, quick to defend herself.

     "Tell that to Mr heart-eyes over there." Spencer pointed at the Slytherin not far down the table, who stared for a second longer, panicked, and looked away.

     "Av, he totally likes you," I said, a little more friend-like now.

     "You think?" Ava said, cocking an eyebrow.

     Spencer and I inclined our heads towards each other, silently agreeing that we both knew he was almost infatuated by Ava. "I could talk to him if you want," I suggested, with a weak shrug, now returning to my cereal.

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