𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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"The yule ball is an annual tradition of the Triwizard tournament. It will take place on Christmas eve night. As representatives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to be on your best behaviour and any stepping out of line will be punished," Snape droned, "greatly. I have been asked to make sure all of you are aware that this is first and foremost a dance and that all of you will in fact require accompaniment." I rolled my eyes and huffed in protest.

I'm sure most girls at this school are ecstatic by this news, Ava and Spencer included. I however, couldn't think of anything worse. Due to my annoyance, I pretty much drowned Snape out for the rest of the announcement and just stood, arms folded, as he demonstrated a dancing hold. This was personally the highlight of my day; he wasn't actually that bad.

"Why are you complaining. You're the only one out of the three of us that has a guaranteed date. I'm not really sure what your problem is." Spencer said as the three of us crashed onto the sofas in the Slytherin common room.

"My problem is, is that what's the point? It's just an excuse to get all 'dressed up' and frankly, it's just unnecessary." 

"But that is the point, Y/N. To get dressed up!" Ava argued. 

I gave her a look and sighed, "despite the futile part of it, who are you two planning on taking then?"

"I honestly have no idea. I mean the Weasley twins are quite cute, although they are the year below."

"But the big question is, which one?" I laughed. "Hey, what about Miles?" I suggested. 

"Bletchley?" Ava asked, "your keeper?" 

I nodded, "yeah. I mean he's in our year at least."

"I guess he's cute."

"Yeah but what about me??" Spencer asked, "I still need a date."

"Spence, you don't need a date. You're a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man. Go on your own. Make a statement." I smirked. "If I wasn't dating Cedric, I'd probably go on my own." I shrugged.

"So you are going with Cedric?" Ava winked.

"Well yeah, but I don't want him just to assume that we are going together; I want him to at least ask me." 

"Well, we'll have to see if he even thinks of that." Spencer said.

"I guess we will."


I'm pretty sure by now the whole of the school is aware about the Yule Ball, so I had now started hoping that Cedric would ask me. I know technically, as we are dating, it's a given that we would go together. But, I'm not sure if it's me just being difficult and picky, but I did really want him to ask me. 

It had also gotten around that Cedric and I were official and we were apparently the 'it' couple. Even more reason for him to actually ask me and not just assume anything. We were seemingly, 'the talk of the school' and therefore, that had its attachments. Being the 'official' Hogwarts' champion's girlfriend meant that, not only did Cedric get harassed by girls in the younger years, but so did I.

I would constantly be asked shit like, 'you know you're like the luckiest girl in the school, right?' and 'is he a good kisser?' and 'how does it feel?'. And this, was everyday.

Cedric was sat in his usual spot in the courtyard surrounded by, not only his friends, but those same desperate and aggravating girls. They constantly tried to flirt with him, even in front of me. But Cedric being the gentleman he is and well a decent boyfriend, kindly, yet irritatedly, rejected their advances. 

I walked over to the group and tried to reach him threw the group of fans. "hey, Cedric?"

"Oh, hiya Y/N." he smiled.

"You wanna go hang out? I thought maybe we could work on that potions essay that Snape set together?" I shrugged.

His face turned to guilt, "oh sorry, I promised a few people I would go and grab a butterbeer with them later."

My face soon faded into disappointment, "oh yeah, no I understand. Enjoy." I faked a weak smile as I walked away. 

I completely understood that I didn't have to be with him 24/7, but I felt that he had been quite preoccupied recently. And not with the tournament side of things. With fame. He had every right not to do this essay with me and to not have to hang out with me all the time, but I couldn't help but wonder who 'a few people' were. Why didn't he just say 'the boys' or his friends? Were they different people? People he didn't want me knowing he was hanging out with. 

I sometimes felt as though that I was a burden to Cedric. Someone he only had to be around because we put a label on it. Even just thinking this made me feel guilty. Cedric was an amazing boyfriend. He made me feel worthy and beautiful and frankly, improved my self image. But recently, due to the amount of people that drooled over him, I'm not sure if I felt as, special to him. No, that sounds bad. Am I the bad girlfriend? Cedric was by all means a loyal and trusting boyfriend; he was a Hufflepuff for crying out loud. But I guess I was just more skeptical than I thought.

I was by all means not  a clingy kind of person, but apprehensive? Definitely. 



sooo i just made a playlist for this fic cause i have that much time on my hands
its now on the 'cast' chapter if any of y'all want to listen to it
some of them are my fav songs so don't judge my odd music taste lol
they kinda just reminded me of cedric and the recurring theme in the story :)

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