𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"So are you two like dating now, or what?"

"Well yes and no. We kissed at the ball though."

I gasped sarcastically, "no! My little brother snogging girls at the mere age of ten."

"Hey! I'm twelve actually. And I'm a second year, not a baby."

"Oh no sorry. The big one, two. You know Harry killed a giant snake in his second year, so I expect great things you know." I scuffed up the hair on his head, playfully.

"Oh shut up." he said, trying to push me away, quite clearly annoyed by me.

"How's Quidditch going then? Are you as amazing as they say you are?" I said dramatically.

"I'm actually pretty good thank you very much."

"Oh I don't doubt that you are, mister 'I got on the team in my second year'. It runs in your blood. Oh how I miss it. You should come to Ced's and I's training programme thingy. We are pretty amazing you'll find."

"I'll think about it. But only if you don't embarrass me." I gave him a sort of reassuring look as if to tell him 'I'd try my best'.

As I did so, a flash of dark, black hair brushed into my face as a shorter girl walked into me with her shoulder, as she barged passed me. I tried to continue walking alongside Will, but apparently, the girl wasn't finished.

"Excuse me, snake? An apology for walking into me would be nice?"

I turned around to be greeted with a not-so-nice look on Cho Chang's face. We hadn't spoken at all since Cedric 'broke up with her.' Which he didn't by the way, seen as they were never together. This was mostly because I didn't particularly wish to speak to her or that I had anything to say to her. "Why should I apologise to someone that walked into me? Or someone that just insulted me and my house?"

"It's 'house and I', actually."

I scoffed and leant over to Will, who was still stood beside me, watching the cat fight in clear amusement, "of course that's what she picks up on." he laughed in response and I stood up straight to once again face her.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" she scowled.

"Oh apology accepted." I faked a smile and turned on my heels, whipping my hair directly in her face as I did. She huffed as she folded her arms, annoyed by her 'defeat'.

Will quickly caught up to me and walked beside me, "since when were you two not friends?"

"We never were."


I saw things so differently now. Like everything was a different type of beautiful. Take the night sky for one: how the colours bled into each other like a perfect gradient; it was a piece of art. And the astronomy tower made it even better. It was so tall, it was as if you were in the that same canvas; like one with the stars.

"One task left huh. You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess." he said, the moonlight shining down onto his face.

"You know how proud of you I am right? To think, tomorrow you will be crowned 'Triwizard champion'."

He chuckled, "I mean I don't know about that."

"What do you mean? You've got this. I believe in you." I nudged him and he swayed to his side, our legs still dangling off the edge.

"Remember this time last year?"

I laughed, shaking my head, "yup. I think I still hated you?"

"Oh no, you were completely in love with me."

"Um excuse you. I don't think so. Don't flatter yourself, Diggory." I said, slapping his shoulder.


"Remember our first date?" I said, a smirk on my face.

He laughed at the memory, "of course. You know that was my first time trying those sweets?"

"I'm not surprised. I tried to warn you they were the red ones were painful, but you did not listen."

He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement, "oh I love you." he slipped out and my heart stopped and then began beating faster than it ever had. My mouth had slid open a bit and I looked at him. There was a silence and he tried to brush it off.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Oh nothing, don't worry."

"No, Cedric. What did you say?" I said more seriously, but longingly.

He turned to face me and took a deep breath in, "O-okay...Y/N. I think I'm in love with you."

And with those words, I couldn't imagine anything better. It was like a tingling feeling in my gut, that warmed my whole body. It was like my stomach, flipped. He made me feel beautiful and special and loved. And so much more than that; somethings I never imagined I could ever feel.

There was so much I wanted to tell Cedric that I didn't know if I could ever put into words. Falling in love with him was the easy part; it's admitting to myself that it happened that's hard. Falling in love with him was like entering a house and finally realising I'm home. When he smiles at me, I feel invisible hands wrapping around me making me feel safe. When his eyes are locked with mine, it's like I can see galaxies instead of just pupils. Having him in my life makes me feel like everything's possible in this world, like I can conquer anything. There might be things that I regretted but right now, I couldn't ask for anything more. I know he might be my first, but what I really wish in life, is for him to be my last.

I stared into his eyes for a moment, before finally gathering my many thoughts and turning to face him, "you know that's lucky." I chuckled.

"Yeah? And why's that?" he said cheekily.

"Because I think I'm in love with you too."

✓ epiphany ━━  cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now