﹙ 𝐯𝐢𝐢 ﹚ rumours and rage

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🖇·˚ ༘ ┊͙[ chapter seven ] ! ˊˎ

╰─▸ lies, whispers, and breaking point

     DETENTION WAS THE LAST PLACE I WANTED to spend my Friday night and yet, I didn't hate it as much as I had thought. I still disliked it and would have much rather not have spent it that way, and that's important to note.

     We had watched the last few students vacate the library, Madam Pince had left long before that.

     Now, the halls were silent. Completely. Everyone had called it a night and the castle itself felt as though it was asleep; not even the prefects were roaming around this late. I strolled to the dungeons, yawning constantly as the sun sank lower in the sky, the light of day draining away, giving way to the velvety dark of night. And soon it grew to complete darkness, a close silence in the dim night light. I was exhausted and yet, seeing the halls so harmonious brought peace to my body and I could sense all the thoughts that were rooted at the back of my mind slowly fade away.

     I slumped down onto one of the leather couches in the very empty common room, by the fire and checked the green, metal clock on the wall that read 12:47 pm. My bed sounded nice, but so did aimlessly staring out into the black lake that was hidden behind the glass of the Slytherin common room. I liked to watch the seaweed sway and the squids fly by.

     "Took you long enough." I heard a voice say from the stairs that lead to the dormitories.

     "What's it to you, Marc?" I said, immediately recognizing the voice as he stepped out of the shadows.

     "I'm just saying, what sort of detention takes five hours?" he asked, slouching down next to me.

     "Re-shelving the library apparently." I rolled my eyes.

     "Were you alone?"

     "Does that matter?" I laughed.

     "No, I'm just asking. Can't have our Captain being distracted with boys, now can we?" he joked.

     "You're a guy," I said, questioning whatever point he was trying to make. "If you're worried about distractions, then you can relax. I'm not one for romance."

     "No of course you're not." he laughed.

     I was planning on staring into an abyss of murky water and watch my night slip away with my thoughts and I was planning on spending it alone. I liked Marcus. Of course, I did. We had both been on the Quidditch team since our first year. Sure, he can be a bit of a prick sometimes, but I can't exactly talk. Now he was here, I didn't see the point of staying.

     "Okay well, I've had a long night. Night Marc." I smiled softly and began making my way to the steps he had been on not too long ago, when I turned back to him, "and yes, I was alone." I lied. He smiled back to me and I walked into my dorm carefully and quietly.

     I'm still not sure why I lied and yet I didn't regret it. Marcus didn't need to know I smiled at a Hufflepuff or even that I spent my detention with Hufflepuff. It was nothing anyway, so why bother boring him with useless information that he would most likely re-interpret.

     What he doesn't know, won't hurt him.

' ੈ˚ ❃ 

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