𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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"You. You slimy, pathetic piece of shit." I ran towards Malfoy, anger running through my veins at a speed, wand in hand. He backed up against a rock and as I drew the wand to his neck and he began whimpering in fear. "So what? You think this is some kind of joke huh? You think you can get away with it? You and your shittier father." I pushed the wand deeper into his skin.

"Y/N, no! He's not worth it."

I turned my head to see Harry and friends approaching us. "You and I have a very different idea of worth Weasley." I said before turning my attention back to my target.

"Seriously, Y/N. You could get into severe trouble." Hermione added.

I hesitated for a moment, glaring at the frightened boy. And eventually, yet reluctantly, lowered my wand, not taking my eyes of Malfoy for a second. When I ultimately looked away, he and his goons began sniggering. Something snapped inside of me and I threw a punch, directly in the centre of his smug face and I heard his head hit the back of the rock. He collapsed to the ground and winced in pain.

I walked over to him and stared down, "know your place, Malfoy. And I hope your father does hear about this. That way I can teach him a lesson too." I spat before kicked in in the stomach, the aching causing him to yell out, and he scurried off like the helpless rat he was. Shortly followed by his bodyguards, which now I looked at it, hadn't seemed to have done their job.

"That was bloody brilliant!"

"Why thank you, Weasley. It sure felt it. Where are you three off to anyway?"

"We were on our way to see Hagrid, you?"

"Oh um, same actually."

"What could you possibly want with Hagrid?" Weasley asked.

"For your information, Weasle-Bee, you three don't own him. I'm just going to see how he's doing, if that's alright." I hesitated and began fumbling with my fingers. I didn't usually get this uncomfortable around people.

"Oh right. Go ahead." Harry gestured to the hut sitting down a hill and towards the forest.

"No it's alright. I guess I'll go later. Wouldn't want to be seen with you three anyway; this is bad enough." I said sternly and I watched the three of them furrow their eyebrows and descend the many cobblestone steps, down towards the hut.

It had been a few minutes and I was hidden behind one of the large, stone rocks, awaiting for it to happen. I wanted to say goodbye, I really did. But I guess I was too nervous to actually admit that I cared for the Hippogriff; it wasn't exactly like me to.

As the crows screeched and Buckbeak furrowed closer into the pumpkins, completely oblivious of what was to come, I heard three lots of footsteps from behind me. I turned around to see Professor Dumbledore, the Minister for Magic and an executioner, of whom was holding a very large and intimidating axe, that was leant over his shoulder.

I paced backwards slightly, making sure I was no where near their eye line. I watched as they knocked on the door of the hut and as the three Gryffindors made their way out of the other back one. They made their way behind the pile of pumpkins and then began running towards me and I once again concealed myself behind the comfort of the rock.

I watched as the axeman lifted his weapon and my heart began beating out of my chest. It wasn't fair. None of it was. He didn't deserve this. Hagrid didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve this. Tears began welling up inside my eyes and I didn't even have the strength to hold them back. They came flooding out and began pouring down my cheeks. I imagined my mascara had now been completely smudged across my face.

I shut my eyes. Not bearing to watch. It was too painful. I squeezed them tight and as I heard an ear-piercing slice, I felt my whole body shake, in shock.

I heard cries from not far beside me, and a wail.

"He bit me! Scabbers!" I looked around to see the redhead running after his rat and the other two following.

I watched from a distance as Weasley leaped on the floor, grabbing his pet and the others standing before the Whomping Willow, trying to warn him about it.

"Harry, you do realise what tree this is?" Hermione asked.

"That's not good. Ron, run!" Harry yelled.

But nothing could prepare me for what I saw next. A giant, black dog emerged from behind a rock and took ground behind Granger and Potter. It was him. It was Uncle Sirius. Only, they didn't know that.

I began running towards the three of them, in hopes to warn them.

"Harry, stop!" I yelled, yet it was useless. I was too far away from the trio for them to possibly hear me.

As the dog growled louder, it leaped over them and made his way towards Weasley and his rat. At great speeds, he sprinted at the boy and grabbed onto his leg and began pulling him into the underneath of the tree.

In a desperate attempt to save his best friend, Harry crawled on the dirty grass and tried to grab onto his arm. Only Ron was now deep within the trunk of the tree, being forced down deeper, by none other, than Sirius Black.

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