Chapter 9

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A/N: NOT EDITED. I will say this is shorter than I had intended but I have so  much going on I figured you guys would rather something than nothing. I'll continue typing the rest when I finish with all the real-life things I've got going on today/tomorrow.

Chapter 9 – Chelsea POV

I was normally a planner, every little detail, with back up plans, options at each turn, borderline OCD, meticulous. Making decisions based on methodical objective information. To keep balance I was making decisions on the fly. So as I stood in front of my the house, windows covered in steel, I was nervous, I couldn’t find a point to begin the different emotions and tone I’d be dealing with. I wasn’t sure what to expect at all, but I figured anger – that I locked them away – was in the top five. Probably right at the top, number one.

Is she one of the daughters?

She’s Chelsea? She’s a child!

Are the two guys with her Jay and Gabriel?

Who is the little girl? Momma left?

Where the hell are we?

Their thoughts collectively throwing me off, I couldn’t catch the anger, but Ava was wriggling in my arms, placing her on the ground, my eyes never left the Lawson’s’. “Casey play?” she walked two steps towards him, pointing at outside, looking up between him and I expectantly. Those two words breaking the staring connection.

Chelsea? Casey asked me unsure, I rolled my eyes, four humans and me? Really?

“We will be outside,” Casey said picking Ava up, swinging her around, tiny giggles lightening the tension. Somehow in my top five feelings and emotions, awkwardness hadn’t crossed my mind. It should have though, because this was bordering on physically painful – I wanted to wince.

“Sarah was right? She left us…” she left us… Oakley thought staring at Ava. From her thoughts, I would suspect that she concluded Ava was her mother’s child. I expected her mind to be above average in intelligence but it was like spending time in my own head, her thought pattern taking me by surprise. I was puzzled by their reactions, they weren’t crying or begging, they seemed stiff and their hearts were racing but I hadn’t expect this… easiness.

Inhaling deeply, I walked confidently over to Oakley and Ben, leaving three or so feet between us, sitting on the ottoman and then gesturing for them to sit as well. Grant eyed outside, behind me, maybe we could make a run for it… he thought. I wanted to laugh but not ready to divulge too much of my capabilities I remained stoic.

Aria and Avena growled, humans… don’t even have any idea and they’re making a plan to run, don’t matter if we are on a cliff… Again I held the laughter in. Now that they – the Lawson’s’ – had seen me Ben spoke up, “Oakley have you – do you know her?” his voice tiny, eyeing her then me; I wanted to know that too.

“No… she’s – she’s our older sister, one of our sisters?” unsure, Oakley answered sadly, she knew a lot, but her answer left Ben confused.

“Where are we?” now Grant asks, when the silence left awkward and went to downright unbearable, but Oakley couldn’t look away from me. Does she like me? Her thoughts bothering me, not to the extent of being angry at her, but more like she has so much going on, such low self esteem that she craves acceptance with a stranger. She’s your sister… you just found out, but she’s known you were out there since she was seven years old Chelsea… Aria says and I wonder how she knows that.  

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