Chapter 50.5

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A/N: NOT EDITED, i know many people are having trouble seeing chapters... words are disappearing... and it jumps and its all weird and wonky... If you're using the new interface that is when it seems to be happening. Even when I repost... it still happens... I'm not sure why but someone commented on this so I'm just going to post their response: you have four choices: exit wattpad and sign back in make sure you have current wattpad version, remove and add back book, email wattpad with your issue (they are nice), or live with missing words ( i lasted one day wondering what i missed). goodluck.

SOMEONE ASKED: hey are u not well or something ? Or u are busy I guess anyways just wanted to say upload soon have been waiting for it :)

Okay so yeah I went M.I.A for a bit but it was because my mom made pistachio pudding four days ago. So she put pinapples in there and everything. Anyways, guess what I learned? I'm allergic to pineapples. I broke out in hives, on my neck and hands/arms. I drank Benadryl that we had in the house - because my mom said I should -  and went to the E.R because my throat was swelling and it just... it wasn't good.

THEN, because that alone wasn't enough, the hives on my arm got infected or something, because when I finally got home I continued scratching at it like I just couldn't stop! So it formed some kind of like bump and I had to go back to the hospital again so they could drain it (yuck) and then they gave me a Rx that seriously makes me want to sleep endlessly.

So yeah... Happy Easter (to those that recognize it), I'm going back to sleep because I just took a dose and my eyes are drooping, ready to sleep...


Chapter 50.5 – Kieran POV

‘You don’t have to be alone,’ Nona had whispered the words on her way out of my assigned room. And this was just one of the many things that were new and confusing to me.

And if that wasn’t enough, things further baffling? Grant and his many questions. He and everyone else were throwing me off track especially when I knew the truth. I knew who I was, and what I’ve done. Then, now, here they all were trying to trick me, confuse me and me see things that weren’t all the truth but there was a tiny problem that I just couldn’t do. Bring myself to tell them the truth.

They already know Kieran, Chelsea and Gabriel can read your mind, if they were going to hurt you, don’t you think that they would’ve done it by now? Nyx asked.

Maybe they aren’t punishing me for the things I had done before, but now – no! Your room was messed up; don’t you remember how they reacted? They didn’t say anything, they didn’t focus on it Kieran!

‘Are you one of those people that shouldn’t get punished in that way?’ Grant asked me before, trying to get me to see things his way – tell him what you did that you think was so wrong Kieran, tell him. Open your mouth, and tell him what you did! After? Tell him the truth, Nyx growled.

And I was already shaking my head, it’s not fair Kieran, he continued, you want him to form his own opinion of you? Well that is how! You tell him what you think you’ve done wrong, and let him decide for himself.

‘You don’t have to be alone,’ Nona didn’t know what she was talking about; I deserved to be more than just left alone. I’d never be like everyone else here; I’d always be the ugly spot in a beautiful place. But maybe Nyx had a point.

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