Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 – Gabriel POV

        “Katie is here…” I whispered, my eyes focused on the Mother and something was off, because while Chelsea murmured and thought ‘yes,’ the Mother, her eyes didn’t agree with that statement.  “Your sister didn’t want to return, so she was waiting here until we could send her wolf spirit onto another… you can say that it is what happened with Jamie.” The woman explained.

        I took a minute trying to process what I was being told, “So she’s – Katie isn’t – whose getting her wolf spirit?” I stuttered.

        Mother smiled, “I believe that someone is newly pregnant on the island,” her voice soft, and my eyes widen. “Julia?”  I choked out in a whisper. Mother nodded, “Yes, it had to be the right fit, you understand?” I nodded woodenly. It was an emotional over-load for me, first the video and now this? I – I didn’t know how – my breathing increased. Chelsea came forward and stood in front of me, “Gabe,” her hand came up and caressed my cheek, concern in her eyes, “I’m sorry,” her voice hoarse. Blinking I nodded, closing my eyes I leaned further into her touch, and when I opened my eyes we were back in my office.

        No longer in the white room.

        “She… Katie… at least she’s at peace,” I said stiffly, “I – you said she didn’t want to come back, but – but I thought I’d have a chance-”

        “Her wolf spirit will be around us,” Chelsea interrupted, trying to console me. Shaking my head I swallowed, “She’s been gone for a while, Love, it’s just – I guess – that it’s final now,” I whispered, pulling us to my chair, just enjoying my mate in my arms and the silence.




        “I think we should speak to Mack Reyes, Kieran… he thinks of Mack often in snippets you know?” it’s not organized so I can’t pick up much data from them, but I think Mack knows a lot, he is the one that remembered Kieran’s family.

        Chelsea had a point, and while I wanted to speak to Kieran, get information from his mind, he wasn’t in a place where that would be helpful to him or us. He was still trying to erase the memories he did have, I wouldn’t be the one to break him down that way.

        My mom was – is – an amazing psychologist, and the one thing I’ve learned from her I could say is that, you never rush someone to speak about a traumatic event. If it’s someone you care about, you hate to sit by and watch what happens to him or her, but you simply cannot and should not force him or her or add pressure for them to speak to a professional. If for any reason they need to heal, they should want to do it for themselves, to give them selves peace of mind, not to please anyone for whatever reason. It has to be something that they want and are willing to endure.

        Instead I reached out to Marlon.

        Marlon, I call him over the link while Remy continues to put the pieces together from the data she is recovering. After coming to the assumption that the Elders were seeking immortality, we both wrote that off, it was just too simple.

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