Chapter 44

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A/N: NOT EDITED... Some said their chapter was blank so this is just reposted. I contacted wattpad and mentioned that many people can't see it or some don't get notifications of updates. They told me that it might be because I update requently LOL.

So any guesses on who the Air Elemental is?

Chapter 44 – Gabriel POV

        Different scenarios were running through my head, reasons that Ethan would even go as far as to call Logan. I hoped that it wasn’t a trap, I would hope it wasn’t… but… I knew that without me there, Ethan and Andrew would have to take over, one the pack, the other train as Don. Now we had Nonno while Dante was back home, I’m sure whatever was happening couldn’t have been healthy.

        “Tell me everything.”

        He waved his hand, “he called, was in a panic… I’m supposed to meet with them,” Logan informed me. I was on the fence with this entire situation happening, the wrong decision could so easily blow up in our faces. On the one hand for Logan to get that call just as we were given Robert Delaney seemed to easy, making me want to help Ethan. However they could be just bluffing, making it ease, reversing the game onto us.

        “You think it’s the Elders trying to reach out us indirectly?”

        Lips pursed, I nod.

        “Why not contact Jay? He left… Ethan knows he can trust Jay, but he’s calling you?” Logan remained silent, I wasn’t insulting him but just stating the fact that Logan shouldn’t have been his first choice in calling. Jay was.

        We already had Logan doing so much, he didn’t need anymore on his plate in my opinion, but again he was his own Alpha.

        But you’re the Alpha, Max pointed out.

        “I’m taking Jay and Wolf with me to the meeting spot I chose,” Logan said when I went quiet. I nodded, “Did you check this girl out?”

        “Yeah, of course.”

        “What’d you get?”

        “Well her file is a bit fishy, she has no birth certificate on file, she’s intelligent. Was in the system and applied for a scholarship at a few different boarding schools so she could get out of the group home she was living in. Your brothers school as well as another school did give her entrance but only your brother’s school offered her a full scholarship,” I sat back listening.

        “He hasn’t told her…” he stopped when my body stiffened, ‘you think George was going to actually let you two go off to Florida?’ I remember asking them months ago.

        “How long?”

        “What Universities did she apply too?” I demanded to know.

        “She applied to two universities in Florida, Columbia, Northwestern, Brown and Yale-”

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