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Hiyori and Jun were lying down in each other's arms on a towel on the beach, far away from everyone else. Jun moved so that Hiyori was lying down and Jun was leaning over him as they began to make out softly. They listened to the waves splashing and felt the sea spray them. Hiyori smiled against Jun's mouth and declared when they broke apart, "I think the beach is our place."

Jun's ears burned, but he tried to say sarcastically, "Oh? We're starting the "our" thing already??"

Hiyori lightly smacked Jun's arm, irritated. "Of course," he huffed, "we're going to do it all. No matter how cheesy or stupid it is!"

Jun poked Hiyori's nose and replied, "But I thought Ohiisan was the one that always said he hated doing anything cheesy, especially when it came to romance."

"Shut up!" Hiyori yelled, as he pushed Jun off of him. "Why do you always remember everything I say?!? Like do you write it all down in a notebook or something?"

Jun chuckled. "No, it's just that every word Ohiisan says is important, so I can't forget any of it."

Hiyori shoved him again as Jun kept laughing at him. His ears burned and he glared at Jun. "Why do I even try to be romantic with you anymore?"

Jun hurriedly grabbed Hiyori's hands and pulled him into his arms. He stroked Hiyori's back and whispered into his ears, "I'm just teasing, Hiyori. I love it. I really do. So be as cheesy and romantic as you want."

Hiyori's pulse raced as his face began to blush a bright scarlet. He sat back up, letting go of Jun, and searched through his bag. "Well if that's the case then.." Hiyori picked up the small box and held it out to Jun. He was so nervous, his outstretched hand was shaking.

"Hiyori? Is this what I think it is?" He excitedly opened the box and saw the small, golden ring inside. Small, green designs were etched into the wring, the same color as their unit's symbol. On the inside, Hiyori's name was engraved in cursive. Jun felt tears about to fall, but held it in as he joked, "Just a couple days ago you were saying how you never think of marriage at this age and yet you're proposing?"

Hiyori turned away and grumbled, heart still pounding rapidly. "I'm not proposing! It's not that kind of ring." He sighed and explained, "The other day when I was making your breakfast with the cooks, one of them was American, and he was saying how he got his girlfriend a promise ring. I'd never heard of it so I asked him out it. A promise ring is one you give to your boyfriend or girlfriend, usually when you're in high school or college. It promises a serious relationship, and is a placeholder for an engagement ring. So in other words, I'm promising to be with you, until we're both ready for me to put a real ring on your finger. If you're going to make fun of it, then-"

Jun pushed Hiyori back on the ground and smothered him with kisses all over his face. His tears also falling on to Hiyori's face, as Hiyori giggled and held Jun tightly. "Hiyori, are you sure?"

Hiyori paused, taking Jun's face in his palm. "Of course I am." He brought the matching ring out of his pocket and handed it to Jun. Jun slid it on to Hiyori's ring finger slowly and kissed it. "My father already considers you his son, so it's not like my family will stop us."

Jun laughed as he thought back to the day after the lunch party.

Hiyori and Jun had sat down with his parents in private. They explained more in detail what happened between them and looked to them expectantly.

"I don't know what you want us to say. You love him and he loves you. What could make me happier? Besides, it's not as if I'm blind." Mr. Tomoe said with a pointed look.

My Light in the Darkness (Jun x Hiyori)Where stories live. Discover now