Chapter 13

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After Hiyori's mother said the words "the deal we made," he had a terrible sense of foreboding and became cold all over. Once she started explaining, felt paralyzed on the spot. He heard a loud ringing in his ears, preventing him from hearing the argument between Hiyori and his mom. He did what??? Ohiisan....why? He didn't know what he was feeling. He wanted to scream, break something, and run far away, all at the same time. He felt his vision become blurry as he realized tears were beginning to form in the corner of his eyes. He needed to get out of there.

Hiyori knew from the moment Jun turned to him, that he had broken something. He wanted to fix it as soon as possible, but his mother kept trying to get him to meet Sakura. "MOTHER!! THAT'S ENOUGH!!" He shouted as he threw up his hands in anger. Many of the partygoers were staring, but he could care less.

His mother stepped back with a gasp, astonished. "H-Hiyori! How dare you shout at your own-"

"Mom just stop talking. Right. Now." He replied quietly, seething with anger. He clenched his fists and said as calmly as he could. "I won't be meeting with Sakura right now. I need to go." He turned away, ignoring her shouts. He had been watching Jun from the corner of his eye, noticing how frozen he had become. He walked over to him and moved to grab Jun's arm, but Jun flinched away, immediately. He gave Hiyori the coldest look Hiyori's ever seen, making Hiyori become nauseous with anxiety. "Please Jun, I-"

Jun stepped back another inch and deadpanned. "Outside." He turned to the exit of the tent, not looking back to see if Hiyori was there. As he left the tent, he continued to walk down the beach, not knowing where he was going, but kept walking anyways. His mind raced as he kept going over what Mrs. Tomoe said and thought about everything that had happened on the trip. Because he was so wrapped up in his thoughts, clenching his fists, he didn't notice that he'd been walking for so long that the sun was long gone. Instead, he looked up at the twinkling stars and the moon shining above, and felt a pang in his chest so hard that he gripped his shirt. The thought of how the last time they were alone on the beach, they confessed their love for each other, now here they were. His steps had become heavier, but he didn't stop until he heard a voice speak up behind him.

"Jun-kun. This is enough." Hiyori rasped, after not been talking for an hour. He was terrified the entire time they were walking. Jun never said a word. He never turned around. He never did anything except take another step away from him. Hiyori noticed they had walked way too far, and tried to tell Jun to stop.

"Enough?" Jun asked as he turned to Hiyori. He didn't know what expression he was wearing, but as he saw Hiyori's eyes widen, he knew it was good enough to convey what he was feeling. "Oh, so you have a limit to how far you can walk, but not for how long you should lie?" He shot Hiyori a smirk, one without any humor.

"Jun, please just hear me o-" Hiyori begged as he tried to step closer to Jun.

Jun sidestepped Hiyori and snapped, "No. You don't get to talk. You don't get to interrupt a single word I say. All you do is listen." He scowled at Hiyori as venomously as he could, letting the other know that he wasn't playing around.

Hiyori opened his mouth to protest, but fear of Jun running away, made him tighten his lips into a thin line and nod.

"I honestly shouldn't be so surprised. I shouldn't even be hurt. But I am. Knowing that you've been lying to me before the trip even started is cutting away at my heart. Because after everything that's been happening between us, I thought I all I needed to do was trust you. There's nothing to be hesitant about or doubt. Just trust Ohiisan and it'll all be fine. But now I found out that you've been lying. And I'm sure you think it's not a big deal. It really shouldn't be. The reason I said not to talk was because I know exactly why you did it. I wouldn't have come, if you didn't lie. I know you probably didn't tell me at the beginning because it was too soon, and I get that. But it's been over two weeks and you haven't said a single word. You had an infinite amount of chances to tell me and yet you never did. Instead, you lied to me, hid things from me, over and over again." He looked at Hiyori straight in the eyes, unflinchingly.

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