Chapter 14

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Hiyori didn't know how his body managed to do it, but it kept it so that he seemed normal to everyone else. He was able to keep up with normal conversations, put on a smile, and walk on whatever tour his parents booked. On the inside, Hiyori completely lost. After being turned away from Haru's house, he didn't give up. He kept coming back. He would change what time he went each day, but every time one of the staff would catch him and see out before he had the chance to utter a single word. He never let it bother him. He had to see Jun, no matter how long it took. Then several days later, while he and his family went out on a hike he saw him. The first thing that caught his eye was the blue hair. He whipped his hair to the color and could see the side of Jun's face. Hiyori felt like his heart finally began to start beating again. Jun was ahead at the overlook of the hike. Hiyori's words were caught in his throat so he ran to Jun. There were so many people at the time so he had to push many people aside. However, as he made his way, he stopped in his tracks. Haru had walked over and leaned his arm on Jun's shoulder and said something. Jun smiled back. He smiled... that smile......Jun are you actually happier? Hiyori finally tore his eyes away from them and walked back down the hike to wait in the car. Along the way, one phrase kept ringing through his head: "I care about Jun's happiest first." Yeah Haru? Well so do I...... The last spark that kept him going because of his desire to see Jun, finally died out. So when his parents returned and announced that they were all going to attend a lunch party tomorrow, he didn't even bat an eye.

For the past couple of days, Jun had been actually having fun. He still couldn't believe it. Haru had managed to keep Jun out of bed and his mind off of Hiyori. Haru brought him to every place that was free that he could think of. They toured the volcanoes and hiked up many different paths. Haru always kept up the conversation so half the time Jun wouldn't have to worry about saying anything, just listening. Haru never got too close or tried to make a move on Jun. He respected his space and continued to be a perfect friend. Jun felt so touched that he didn't feel so jumpy about the idea of going on one date with him. But right when Jun was having a good time or saw something funny, he would turn, mouth opened to tell him, only to see a different face smiling back at him, and all that he held back, came crashing down on him again. He tried not to let the disappointment show on his face, but he couldn't help the fact that he wanted the boy with bright green hair and an even brighter smile looking back at him. Earlier on Sunday, he woke up from the worst nightmare and shoved his phone into Haru's hands demanding he keep it away from him no matter what, because if he didn't, then Jun would end up a sobbing mess on the floor as he called Hiyori over and over again.

Jun was very thankful that Haru never pushed him to talk about Hiyori. He just listened to the first story and moved on. Jun had wanted to say more, let it all out, but then that would mean accepting all that had happened and what was going to happen between them in the future, and he just wasn't ready for it yet. So he moved on like nothing happened, too. Trying to have a good time so that his stay here wouldn't leave a permanent stain, making him avoid Hawaii forever. They walked a long hike early in the morning so now later in the afternoon, Haru took them out on his private, speed boat. He took them out far enough to be away from others, but not far enough to not see land anymore. The spray and breeze from the ocean calmed Jun as he sat back and closed his eyes, taking a relaxing breath. He felt the sunlight warm his skin and the water splash at the same time, keeping him cool. "I really needed this." Jun breathed out slowly, as they finally parked in a spot that Haru deemed suitable.

Haru smiled at Jun. "Glad to hear it." He turned on the radio and set it to a pop station as he grabbed the cooler and sat next to Jun in the front. "Think you'll be even happier once you see what my cooks and I made for lunch."

Jun looked inside the cooler and saw it was filled to the brim with mochi. "No way!!" He started shoving one after the other in his mouth. "Haventsh hash tshish in a while." Jun exclaimed with a mouth full of food.

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