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"You were a ray of hope illuminating the dirty alleys I thought I inhabited."

Jun Sazanami was once shone a ray of light in the darkness in his life. Ever since being exposed to that light, he has always followed it wherever it went.

Hiyori Tomoe has always been suffocated by those claiming to "love" him. However, one day he stumbled upon the one person who allowed him to breathe again. Since that day, he will never let go of him.

Hiyori Tomoe was still reeling from the call from his mother. He couldn't believe that for this first time his older brother couldn't make it to their family's annual summer vacation. Hiyori was able to escape it for the past three years claiming he was too busy with his idol work at school. However, since his brother can't attend, his mother demands that Hiyori has to come whether he's busy or not. Now Hiyori has no choice but to attend. As he was thinking about this, he received a text from Jun.

"Ohiisan where are you?? We agreed to meet for lunch and it's been past an hour since you told me to come."

Hiyori couldn't help but smile. Then all of a sudden he had an idea. Jun would probably not agree to it. Most likely he'd hate it, but Hiyori wasn't fazed. One way or another Jun was coming with him and there's nothing he could do to stop it.


Credit to the quote at the beginning because it is directly from the Ensemble Stars! game and anime said by Sazanami Jun.

My Light in the Darkness (Jun x Hiyori)Where stories live. Discover now