Chapter 5

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As Jun walked into the "palace" he realized exactly what Hiyori meant: it was even more breathtaking on the inside. The walls and pillars were a shade of light pink and the building was built almost like an open air pavilion. Next to the front desk where they walked to, were tables that overlooked the many tropical plants outside of the resort. The floors would change appearance in each room. Sometimes, they were solid black tiles, and other had criss-crossed patterns and some floors had many colors that resembled mosaic tiles. As Hiyori was checking in, Jun stood back gawking at the rooms all around him. I'm only in the lobby and I'm stunned, can't wait to see what our rooms will be like.

Hiyori had finished and turned around about to tell Jun, but he stopped as he saw Jun's expression. He couldn't help but laugh at the childlike wonder on Jun's face as he looked at the building. I guess he really isn't used to this sort of thing yet. I've been to countless resorts that now none of them really surprise me anymore. I'm glad Jun is impressed enough for the both of us. "Ok, ok Jun-kun, enough gawking like a little boy. It's time to go to our room."

Jun was too dazed to realize Hiyori said room and not rooms. Instead, he kept glancing all around him, trying to take it in as much as he could. They walked down the breezeway which was an open hallway with pink pillars holding the black ceiling. Beautiful pink and black designs were etched onto the tiles below. Hiyori led them to the elevator as they went up to the fourth floor. Jun almost couldn't hold in his excitement anymore. Hiyori walked him down the hall and stopped in front of their door. As he slid the key on the lock and started to speak as he opened the door, "So my mother booked us a room with-"

Jun pushed past him as he saw the open balcony overlooking the ocean. He ran over, slipped open the door, and stood outside as the wind from the ocean greeted him. He immediately was braced with the smell of salt from the ocean. He took a breath as he closed his eyes. Now this really is paradise, he thought happily. He opened his eyes and walked to the edge of the balcony. He looked at the beautiful beach fight in front of him. He saw many people still relaxing at the beach. He turned to look at the rest of the city of Honolulu. There were many other large hotels and business incorporation buildings. There were also many different trees surrounding the resort. He didn't even realize he had been smiling the whole time until he felt his cheeks hurt.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Hiyori asked as he realized Jun was done taking in his surroundings.

"Yeah." Jun said wistfully.

"I have traveled here several times to see some of the famous spots on the other islands of Hawaii when I was bored. But I haven't spent that long of a time in Honolulu so I'm not very familiar with it either. Though, I'll always remember how it lived up to all the hype people make about it." Hiyori replied as he looked at the never ending ocean. It was parking from the sun shining on it from above.

"So that means this trip is kind of a first for both of us, huh?" Jun asked offhandedly.

Hiyori blinked and turned to look at Jun. "Yeah I guess it is." Hiyori laughed. "I'm sure you want to keep looking at this forever, but we have to get ready for our dinner. Besides, you haven't seen our room yet." Hiyori said as he pulled Jun away from the balcony and took them inside.

Jun paused for a moment. I don't think I heard that right, Jun thought. "I'm sorry did you say our room?"

Hiyori smiled and replied, "Yes of course! I'm sure you're excited to be sharing a room with me again!"

For several semesters, Jun and Hiyori shared a room. Part of the reason was because Jun couldn't afford his own, and the other was that Hiyori suggested it would be better for them to work together and get closer. However, for some reason Jun didn't know, Hiyori called him out of the blue before the semester they just finished saying that now that Hiyori's a third year, he should have his own room and can't share a room with Jun anymore. He was so blinded sided he didn't even remember replying, he just knew that the ache in his heart hurt a lot more than he thought it would. Jun still felt the hurt today every time he thought about it. Ever since, Jun felt too awkward to bring it up and has never asked about it since. Even now, he's still hurt from Hiyori bringing it up and confused about sharing a room again.

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