Chapter 11

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When Jun woke up the next day and the day after, he thought what had happened that night was only a dream. Every time an overwhelming wave of sadness would crash into him, making it hard to breathe. Before it he knew it, that wave would stop when Hiyori would wake up and walk over Jun's bed and whisper, "Good morning, Jun-kun," in his ears as he wrapped his arms around Jun's neck pushing them both back onto Jun's bed. Jun would hold Hiyori tightly and let out a long breath of relief. Hiyori would always instantly fall back asleep on top of Jun with his arms around him. Jun never minded, of course. He would lie there until someone came pounding at their door telling them it was time to go. Because of this, they would be late to meet Hiyori's parents every morning. Mr. and Mrs. Tomoe would then yell at Hiyori, but never at Jun. Jun expected Hiyori to be outraged or in a terrible mood like he normally was in the mornings, but Hiyori would only nod or shrug and then grab Jun's hand when no one was looking and smile at him. The change between them had grown even more, and Jun couldn't wait to finally confess to Hiyori tomorrow night. He liked the fact that Hiyori would grab his hand as they walked together. He loved lying in bed wrapped in each other's arms in the morning, and then holding each other's hands as they laid in bed talking all night. But he wanted more. He wanted to kiss him. And not just on the lips, he wanted to taste every part of Hiyori. He wanted to tell Hiyori he loved him over and over and listen to Hiyori say it back. He wanted to go on real dates all the time. He wanted it all. But he chose to wait until Saturday night, when he was ready and sure of his feelings. He didn't want to do any of that until then and made sure that Hiyori felt the same way. Because if Hiyori didn't love him or thought this was only a small thing that didn't mean anything, then Jun wouldn't know what to do, but knew he had to hear how Hiyori felt before he ever kissed him, before he ever took him to-

"Hey, Jun-kun are you listening?!?" Hiyori shouted, waving his hands in front of Jun's face.

Jun blinked and shook his head out of his thoughts. He began to blush, remembering what he was just thinking about, "I-I.."

"Ughh!! Forget it!" Hiyori grumbled as he threw his hands up in the air and slouched down lower on the bench. They were both sitting down outside on the second floor of Waikiki Business Plaza. Mrs. Tomoe was shopping, but both of them had about enough after being there for two hours. So Hiyori grabbed Jun's arm and ran towards the spot farthest away from his parents and sat them both on a bench overlooking the entire shopping district. They came later in the afternoon to avoid too many crowds, but there were still plenty of people in the mall. Hiyori wanted to find a place away from everyone to take a breath and relax with Jun. He was trying to tell Jun about his dream the night before, but noticed Jun was looking off in the distance with a discernible look on his face, obviously not listening. "It's fine. I get how it is. You don't care about me or want to listen to me anymore. That's just fine." He crossed his arms and turned away from Jun, pouting.

Jun rolled his eyes at Hiyori. "You're so right, Ohiisan. You really do know everything."

Hiyori sat up straight in his seat and glared at Jun. "Do you ever stop being so sarcastic?"

Jun smirked. "Do you ever stop being so dramatic?"

They both sat there and glared at each other for a minute. Although Jun was glaring at him, Hiyori couldn't stop his heart from racing as he stared at Jun. The darker, softer light from the sun as it began to descend shined on Jun, making his yellow-amber eyes glow almost as bright as the sun. He briefly stared at Jun's lips wanting to know if they were as soft as they looked. He wanted to kiss Jun. He had been wanting to kiss Jun longer than he wanted to admit. Since that night, Hiyori hoped they would finally get to kiss him, but for some reason, Jun kept holding back. Every time Hiyori would lean in when they were close, Jun would either step back a little or turn his head and move the conversation away. It shocked him so much the first time that he stopped talking for hours as his mind raced. Does Jun actually not like me like that? Or he just doesn't like to be kissed? Does he not want me to kiss him? Did I do something wrong? Does he still not trust me? He couldn't understand why Jun kept pushing the kiss away. He was too terrified to bring it up so he wouldn't say anything. He realized that he was making the mistake again and had leaned in so close to Jun's face that their noses were about to touch. He saw Jun's eye widen and a blush spread across his cheeks. He let out a breathless laugh and looked away from Hiyori. He didn't move his face or body away, only his eyes moved away.

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