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Rafe fucking Cameron. I knew he was dousche, a drug addict, and a overall scumbag. But I never would have pegged him for a murderer. John B told us how Sheriff  Peterkin showed up. She was  going to arrest Ward Cameron. How she must have found out everything we all knew. Then Rafe appeared out of nowhere and shot her. We walked to Kies house and all hopped into her SUV.  John B told her to drive to the police station. He needed to make sure they knew what happened. That Rafe shot Peterkin.
We rode in silence, JJ and I in the very back, Pope and John B in the seat in front of us. Pope was smoking a cigarette and coughing the whole way.
"Whooo. Easy there chief. Damn." JJ leaned over the seat in front of us slapping a hand on Popes shoulder. He turned his head to John B. "You know you are walking into the lions den?"
"They need to know the truth." John B answered quietly. He was still shaken up. Who wouldn't be.
"My old man always says, don't trust the police. Under any circumstances."
"Your old man is a abusive liar." I laid my hand on his leg to soften the blow. It was the truth.
"I agree with JJ. Fuck the police." Pope agreed taking another puff of his cig.
"Nice Pope." I scoffed shaking my head.
"You going to the dark side now?" Kie asked irritated
"When have they ever helped-"
"Oh, that's bulls-"
"Pope, don't-"
We were all shouting over top of each other. Finally John B shouted above us all.
"Peterkin looked out for me alright? Or tried too. They need to know." We all looked back and forth at each other, silent. He was right and we knew it. John B opened the door, climbed out and was gone. Kie laid her head against the window with a deep breath. Pope continued smoking. JJ reached over and grabbed me, pulling me to his side. I laid my head on his shoulder. John B was taking a huge risks, and all we could do was wait.

"Kie! Kie start the car!"
I shot up. John B was running to the car, two cops running behind.
"Oh my god." I whispered
"Kie start the car!" He opened the door.
"What is going on?" She asked, doing what she was told.
"Go Kie! " Pope hollered and she slammed on the gas. The woman officer had a hold of the door.
"Open it!" JJ yelled pointing to the door. John B opened it quickly flinging the cop off. He shut the door and we sped off, fugitives on the run.

Kie parked the car in the woods under a run down barn. That's where we hid for the night. I ended up dozing off, my head on JJs lap. I woke to sirens. I shot up thinking we had been found.
"It's ok. We're ok." JJ whispered rubbing my back. I let out a sigh of relief. My heart pounding in my chest. Kie had the radio on. The news broke, there was a reward for turning in John B. She turned it off, slamming her hand against it.
"Alright we need to map this out. Who do you think the police are going to believe? Ward Cameron is basically king of the island, like has the governor on speed dial type. John B is a 16 year old, basically homeless kid."
"Thanks." John B mumbled
"Shit." I put my head in my hands. JJ was right. John B was screwed.
"Sarah is going to bail me out." He answered. "She saw the whole thing!"
Pope turned around, he was now in the passenger seat. "You think she would rat on her brother?"
"Not happening." JJ sat leaning close to John B.
"Mexico. It's the only option."
"Stop with the Mexico shit." John B snapped.
"He's right. You have to get off this island." I tried to sound convincing. It was the only way, and John B knew it.
"They won't stop looking for you man. They are right" Pope agreed. More sirens and cop cars sped by.
"Get down." Kie said.
"Sarah's not a Pogue, John B."
"Yeah you can't stay here man."
"We can take him to the ferry." I suggested
We all laid back in the seats. John B was quiet. I know he didn't want to go, but he had no choice.

Pope drove us to the ferry, with Kie in the passenger seat. JJ and I sat in the back seat. John B was laying down in the back. Pope walked back to the car, pulling his hat over his eyes and holding a piece of paper. He got back the car and handed Kie the paper.
"The ferry's closed." He said starting up the car.
"Shit." Kie handed the paper back to me. I looked at it. Wanted 25,000 dollar reward. John B Routledge. Wanted flyers. Great.
"Everyone is going to be looking for him." I said as JJ grabbed the paper from me. "That's a lot of money."
"Wow John B this is a great framer of you." JJ joked, handing the paper to John B in the back. "Congratulations man, you're famous."
"Guys we needs to get to the HMS, fast.." Kie turned in her seat.
"It's at the chatteau, Kie." John B hollered from the back.
"Oh I wonder if that entire place is going to be staked out? Yeah I'm pretty sure, let's think about it ." JJ said sarcastically.
"Copy that." Kie rolled her eyes
"What about Grans?" I offered. No one would think to look there.
"I'm sure she has heard John B is a cop killer by now." JJ said placing his hand on my thigh. He looked at me, "we don't have enough time to convince her otherwise."
"You're right." I shook my head. As much as Gran loved John B, he is the number one fugitive on the island right now. We couldn't trust anyone but ourselves.
"Let me think , let me think, let me think." Pope was twiddling his fingers on the steering wheel. Suddenly he whipped back looking at JJ.
"What?" JJ looked at him confused.
"Does your dad still have that boat? The phantom? The one he used to race?"
"Maybe." He answered
"That boat could get up the coast."
"It's not that easy. I don't even know where the keys are." I could see JJ getting tense. This meant he had to go back home. He had to face his father. I reached over and grabbed his hand.
"Well, find them." Pope started the car. "Why isn't this guy moving? Come on let's go!" He was yelling at the car in front of him.
"Hey Pope. Calm down." I shouted.
"How much weed did you give him?" Kie turned to JJ.
"Why is that-"
"Oh you know it's your-"
"Move out the way!" Pope was slamming on the horn while JJ and Kie argued back and forth. I saw people starting to look towards us. We were drawing attention to ourselves.
"Uh- guys." I started. But no one heard me. Suddenly John B yelled from the back seat. "Your car is on here Kie!"
I saw a little boy pointing at the car. Pope was still laying on the horn.
"Shit." I slapped JJs arms and he looked out the window.
"Shit, we got a snitch Pope. Go!"
"25,000 dollars if you find him." The kid shouted. People started walking towards the car.
"Pope, go. Hurry up." I begged.
"Hey he is right there, it's him!" We turned around and some guy was beating on the back window, pointing to where John B sat.
"Go, go, go, go, go!" JJ shouted from the back. Pope slammed on the gas and we slammed into the car in front of us. JJ and I both shot forward hitting the seats.
"Shit" I yelled reaching up to wipe the blood coming out of my nose.
"You ok baby? Damn it, Pope. Go." JJ said grabbing my face gently and lifting my head back to stop the bleeding.
"Sorry T." Pope yelled to the back, putting the car in reverse.
"It's fine Pope just get us out of here."
Pope flew down the road. He was going so fast he could barely keep the car in control. He took out several mailboxes, causing Kie to scream. Suddenly he slammed on brakes, JJ stuck his arm out to keep me from flying forward again.
"Dammit." John B yelled from the back.
"Get out." Pope yelled.
"What?" John B asked confused
"He is right, we can draw the cops our way." Jj agreed.
I opened the door on my side and John B hopped over the seat and climbed out.
"I'll get the keys. Meet at the dock tomorrow at 3!" JJ yelled across me through the open door.
"Okay. Got you." John B yelled running into the woods. I slammed the door closed and we were gone. The sound of sirens coming up behind.

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