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John B grabbed JJ by his shirt collar pulling him from the window.
"Jj, hey look at me. Where is the gun? We need the gun?"
"The gun? Oh, I uh, I.." Jj started stumbling.
"The one time we need the gun and now you don't have it, are you kidding me?" Kiara chimes in pacing the room with her hands in her hair.
"Think, jj. Where is your backpack?" I added in trying to help him think.
"Backpack.. backpack. The backpack, it's on the porch." He snapped his fingers as the thought came to him. John B started pushing him towards the door. He opened it and threw him out. " go, go get it." He whispered.
"John Routledge!" We heard a unfamiliar voice shout and JJ busted back through the door closing it quietly behind him. "They're on the front porch, guys." He said leaning back against the door.
"ROUTLEDGE! Where are you at boy?!" We heard glass shattering and the sound of things being thrown around. These men weren't going to stop until they found us
"Shit, we gotta get out of here guys." I said looking around the room hoping an idea came to mind.
"Window guys, window." Pope said running over to the window and pulling at it with all his strength. I ran over to help him. JJ and John B stayed posted in front of the door, trying to block it, in case they tried coming in.
"Wait, what's happening? Why is it taking so long? Hurry up guys!" Kie whisper-shouted at us,  coming to see what the problem was. Pope and I pushed as hard as we could but the window wouldn't budge.
" we are trying here Kie! The damn thing is painted shut." I whispered back out of breath.
"I'll check the kitchen!" We heard one of the men shout. "Check the back room!" We heard the one man coming down the hall, knocking pictures off the wall as he came.
"Shit guys hurry up!" Jj yelled from over by the door. Kie came over at that moment and began cutting the paint with a envelope opener she found.
"Kie, I don't mean to sound dramatic or anything, but this is kind of do or die." I said to her my eyes darting back and forth from her to the boys blocking the door. I knew he would be trying to bust in any minute.
"I'm trying!" She snapped back as finally Pope pushed the window up with one swift motion. "Go, go!" He said pushing Kie out the window. JJ and John B ran to the window. Pope jumped out, and then turned back to the window. "Come on T." I looked back to make sure JJ was right behind me.
"Go baby, I'm right behind you." He said hoisting me up as I jumped down to Pope. JJ jumped right after with ease with John B right behind. He grabbed my wrist and we all booked it towards the roosters house out back. It was the only place to hide. We all crawled in and sat, with our knees to our chest, trying to catch our breath. We could still hear the sound of the men trashing Big Johns room.
"Where the hell is the compass!?" We heard one of them yell. I nudged myself closer to JJs side and my movement caused the rooster to jump. He was crowing so loud, John B whipped his head around and looked out the little window. " they are out of the house." The rooster started crowing louder as Pope tried to grab on to it.
"Do something Pope. Shut him up!" JJ said
"What do you want me to do?" He shouted back, still trying to get a hold of the rooster. The rooster jumped right onto my lap and in a quick moment Jj grabbed it by the neck, squeezing it as tight as he could, until we heard the neck snap. We all stared in shock as JJ held the rooster in his hands. I reached out and grabbed his arm. He dropped the rooster on the ground and sat back next to me. I grabbed his hands and squeezed. I looked to Kie who was sobbing. John B grabbed her hand.
"Ratter, what the hell are you doing? Let's go." The man yelled, making me jump. We heard the car start and pull away. We all at once let out the breaths we had been holding.

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