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I looked up at the clock, 2:55. Five more minutes until freedom. It had been an unusually slow day at The Wreck, but according to the radio Mr. Carrera had on all day, there was a major hurricane coming through tonight. Abby? Agatha? I couldn't remember. I was standing at the counter counting my tips when I heard the bell to the front door.

I looked up to see no one other than Rafe and Topper walking in through the door. Both laughing, and walking in like they owned the place.

"Fucking kooks." I whispered, turning my back to them as they approached the counter.

"Excuse me, pogu- I mean Taylor, " Rafe said with a laugh, "I'm here to pick up a order to go."

I grabbed the bag off the back counter and set it on the counter in front of him. Avoiding eye contact at all costs. Rafe Cameron has made me and my friends lives a living hell as far back as I can remember. Even though he is a couple years older than us, I can't remember a time where JJ didn't show up with another black eye, courtesy of none other than Rafe fucking Cameron. Not to mention the beef between his sister, Sarah, and Kie. I wasn't going to dig into that one. Me and drama just didn't mix.

"Wow, the customer service here is just so top notch." He said smirking at me.

"We got a problem here?"
Thankfully at that moment Mr. Carerra whipped around the corner carrying the cup racks filled with cleaned cups.

"Nope. No problems here." Topper said pulling Rafe towards the door.

"Bye, Taylor. See you around." Rafe said sarcastically as Topper pulled him through the door.

"You okay? Look like I told Kie- you guys have to learn to just ignore them."

" I know, I know. I guess we have just  been hanging out with JJ too long. He has rubbed off on us. Don't tell him that though.. big head and all." I said while grabbing cups out the carrier and stacking them.

" you know if I had it my way, y'all would stay as far away from those boys as possible. The only one who needs to rub off on you girls is Pope. He is the only one who has any sense. Now go on, and get out of here. That storm is coming, and they say it's going to be a good one."

"Thanks, Mr. Carerra. Be safe tonight!"

I ripped my apron off and put in the back, grabbing my bag and finally heading out the back door. You could feel the wind picking up from the incoming storm, but the sun was shining. July  in the OBX was the hottest month of the summer, but the breeze made it almost perfect out. I was rounding the side of the building when I was almost hit by John B speeding through. He slammed on brakes right beside me and Pope rolled down the passenger window.

" hey little lady! Need a ride?" He yelled out the window leaning over Pope.

"Ayyyoooo!" I heard as the back door suddenly slid open revealing JJ crouching behind it. He moved over so I could hop in. I pushed his shoulder playfully and he winked at me.

"Who are we running from today boys?" I asked, closing the door behind me. I smiled at Kie and made my way to the back where I could lay down.

"Gary." John B answered putting the car in drive and peeling out.

"Good ole Gary. How is he?" I asked, pulling my sweatshirt out my bag and covering my face to block the sun.

"Slow." Jj said while licking his blunt closed

"Big hurricane tonight. It's supposed to cause some gnarly damage." Pope said while fiddling with the old radio trying to find something other than static. He never did- but he always tried.

"How was work today, Tay?" Kie said laying down next to me so her head was right next to mine.

"Pretty boring. It was slow, your dad said probably from all the tourist leaving the island because of the storm. Plus you weren't there to keep me company." I thought about telling them about Rafe and Topper, but thought better of it. JJ was always ready for a fight and I was too tired to even try to calm him down.

"Hey John B, drop me off at my pops, I told him I would help him tie everything down on the docks." Pope  said finally giving up on the radio and turning it off.

"Me too, I don't need my dad calling a manhunt looking for me." Kie said sighing loudly.

"JJ? Tay? Y'all staying at the chatteau?" He hollered from the front.

Jj was close to lighting his joint until Pope realized, whipping around and ripping it from his mouth. He threw it to the back of the van hitting me with it.

"Shit man. What the hell?" Jj hollered watching it land right on my stomach.

I grabbed it before he could bend down from his seat to grab it.
"You already know that's a yes from both of us JohnB." I said still laying under my sweatshirt. Joint in my hand tightly so Jj couldn't get it.

"I call sofa bed!" Jj hollered.

I bolted up, staring at Jj sternly. He knew that was where I always slept. I didn't like staying in John Bs dads room. It just didn't feel right. John B left his fathers room just the way Big John left it and no one went in there. That or his fathers office. Which left the floor. He knew what he was doing. "No way, J."

"Whoops, already called it. Dibs." He laughed kicking my foot jokingly with his.

"You suck!" I said throwing myself back into my laying position next to Kie and throwing my sweatshirt back over my eyes with attitude.

"Well, ya know, we could always share it."  I didn't have to look at him to know that cocky little smile that was on his face. I felt his two fingers slowly start walking up my calf. JJ was always flirting with me to make me blush. He knew it had an effect on me, ever since we were kids. Luckily I had the sweatshirt over my face to cover up the severe blushing happening under there.

"Ha, you wish!" I laughed out-loud swatting his fingers off of me. JJ and I always had a joking, witty banter. It drove everyone else crazy, but they always said we bickered like an old married couple. Jj loved to dish it, but so did I. It was the only way we knew how to communicate.

"Don't leave me alone with these two tonight man. Please." I heard John B beg Pope.

" ha, sorry man. Looks like you are the baby sitter tonight." He said pushing John Bs  arm and laughing.

I threw the joint and hit JJ right in the eye with it.
"The bed is mine, J. I'll play ya for it."  I said lifting the sweatshirt up just enough to send him a wink.

When it all goes downNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ