Sinking boats

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JJ was gone before I woke up. He left a note on the night stand, see you at the docks, with a cute little heart next to it. My heart fluttered. I peeked up at the clock and saw it was 7:34. I needed to get out of bed and to the pharmacy to get Gran her pills, so I could meet JJ and Pope at the dock. I loved helping with deliveries. It was easy money taking groceries to the kooks. It's something JJ and I always did together. I dragged myself out of bed and hopped in the shower.

"Rich folks don't want to wait for you lazy sons of... oh hey Taylor- bitches." Popes dad was laying into JJ as usual when I finally made it.
" good morning!" I said grabbing a few bags and taking them to Popes dads boat.
"Taylor. I trust you to keep him in line." He said pointing to JJ.
"Oh if only she could." He laughed coming over and pulling me into a hug. "Hi." He said pulling away and looking down at me.
"Seriously, you guys make me sick." Pope interrupted starting up the boat and pulling out the dock.
"It's nice to be a kook." Pope yelled pulling up to the island.
"Lucky bastards." Jj agreed, grabbing the bags off the boat.
" alright, JJ and I got this one. Pope take that one and we will meet back here."
"Gotcha." Pope nodded and headed out.
Jj and I walked down the street towards the address for our delivery. Every house we walked by we tried to guess what fancy kook job the owner had and how big of a dousche they were by the style of car in the driveway.
"Street rats, I tell you Steve! They were walking down our street, bags in hand. Stolen of course!" I said doing my best rich wife impression.
JJ laughed at me as we approached the house. We rang the bell and waited. We could hear the heels clicking on the floor and watched as non other than Mrs. Baker opened the door. Mrs. Baker was a full blown kook. She had platinum blonde hair, more plastic surgery than necessary, and always carried her little dog around like an accessory. Her eyes scanned over JJ, and an idea shot through me.
"Bring them in this way." She said turning around and expecting us to follow. She made sure she had a sway when she walked, hoping JJ would watch.
"Jj." I whispered. "You know what to do." I gave him a wink. He smiled back at me, with a nod.
"Wow, Mrs. Baker, you look amazing. Have you been working out?" Jj leaned down catching her gaze. It was on. I put the groceries away while Mrs. Baker took turns feeling each of JJs arm muscles. He was a charmer and knew just what to say. Mrs. Baker forgot I was even there.
"Oh how rude. I'm sorry. Right in front of your girlfriend. I'm embarrassed." No she wasn't. She never took her eyes off of JJ.
"Oh no! Thats not my girlfriend. No, it's my sister."
I snorted and then started to cough to cover up my laugh. "Sorry, must be the smog from our side of island. It's dangerous over there." I said patting my chest to be over dramatic. JJ did his best to hide his smile.
"Oh I'm sure. You poor things." She said going to grab her wallet. I saw her take out a pen and scribble something down.
"Well,we better be off. Mama will be awfully worried about us." I said as serious as I could.
We waited until we got halfway down the street before JJ showed me the hundred dollar bill, with the phone number. He was so excited he spun me halfway down the street. When we got to the dock, he bent over and told me to jump on his back. He ran towards the boat as fast as he could. We saw Pope was already back.
"Dude you are not going to believe what just happened. That was the easiest hundred bucks I've ever made!" Sliding me off as his back. He jumped on the boat and leaned down to pull me up. I walked over to where Pope was sitting in the captains seat.
"JJ totally flirted with a MILF and got her numb-" I stopped, noticing Pope wouldn't look at us. " hey. Pope what's wrong?"
"Bro- you good?" Jj bent down and then pushed Popes hat back. There was single tear running down his face and there were cuts and marks all over his forehead. "What happened to your face, dude?"
"Jesus, what the hell happened?" I said reaching a hand towards his face. He slammed the hat back on his head.
"Rafe and Topper jumped me. They said no pogues on their side of the island." He kept staring forward while he spoke.
"What are you gonna do?" Jj asked after a minute. "We can't let them win."

Pope sped the boat up. I had no idea where he was going, but I knew he was pissed. We all were. A few minutes later Pope stopped the boat. I looked to my right and saw it. Toppers boat tied to the dock.

"2020 Malibu, 24-MXC." He said staring at it.
"This is war Pope. They hit us, we hit them. Do it." Jj walked up giving Pope a slap on the back. Pope ripped his shirt off and jumped in. JJ walked over next to me, holding out his sunglasses.
"Put these on. Need to hide our identities."
I huffed and took the glasses from his hands putting them on. He pulled a mask up over his nose.
"I have a bad feeling about this J."
"They can't keep getting away with this. They always win." We focused on Pope and watched as he pulled himself aboard Toppers boat. He bent down and before I knew it he was back in the water swimming towards us. We both bent down and grabbed a hand to help pull him up. He looked at us and held up his hand. In it was the plug to toppers boat.
"You did it." Jj said reaching for it. "I'm so proud of you, holy crap."
"You can't tell anyone, dude. Tay, you too. Not Kie, John B. Anybody. Got it?"
"Totally, yeah totally dude." Jj agreed, throwing the plug back into the ocean. "Let's get out of here."
"T- did you hear me?" Pope reached up and removed the sunglasses from my face so he could see my eyes.
"Okay- yeah. My lips are sealed." He put the sunglasses on himself and went to take back over driving the boat. I took one look back at the already sinking wakesetter. What the hell did we just do.

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