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JJ and I went to back to my house that night. We sat around the table, as Gran made us dinner and laughed and talked like we were a real family. JJ hadn't been home since the fight with his father. We either stayed here, or at John Bs. The only two homes he ever had. Once we helped Gran with the dishes, and she fell asleep in her chair reading, we went back to my room. As soon as I closed the door JJ grabbed me around the waist , kissing me and pushing me into the wall. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me as he pulled his lips from mine, keeping our foreheads pressed together. I had my hands wrapped up in his hair. I had to catch my breath, both of us panting.
"We are going to be rich baby." He spoke lowly. "I'm going to give you everything you deserve."
I couldn't help but smile, butterflies flying in my stomach. " You are what I deserve. Just you. Your all I want." I whispered back to him. It was the truth. I didn't need fancy things, or to go full kook to be happy. I just needed JJ.
He smiled, and closed his eyes. His expression was happy, but with a touch of doubt. I knew he had never had someone love him. Except me.
"it's true." I stared at him with a serious expression. Jj wasn't good with expressing emotions. He never had anyone tell him he was loved. He never had anyone care about him. Except for the pogues.
He reached one hand up, placing it on my cheek. He stared into my eyes for a moment, not blinking. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. "Don't ever leave me." He whispered.
"Never." I responded instantly. He pulled my lips back on his, this time slowly  and carried me to the bed.

We met up with everyone at John Bs the next morning. The plan was to take the gold to the pawn shop and get some quick cash before we went back for the rest. JJ needed it to pay his restitution for Toppers sunken boat , and everyone agreed that was priority number one.

Once we got to the pawn shop Kie unwrapped the melted gold, that was wrapped in towels.
"It looks....rough." I said looking down at the blob in the towels.
"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein." JJ came up and looked over my shoulder making a face of disgust as he spoke.
"Like you could have done better!" Kie said insulted
"I could ha-"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, I took a welding class rem-"
"Guys. Whoa. Chill out, okay?" I pushed them apart
"Easy for you to say, baby. You don't have to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ was still annoyed he was volunteered to be the one to do the job. "Remind me why I have to do this?" He asked around the group.
"You are the best liar." Pope slapped his shoulder
"Yeah pretty much." Kie agreed
"It's like a talent." I said grinning up at him.
"Okay, damn. I get it." He said looking almost offended. He walked towards the door, John B and Sarah followed. Kie, Pope and I decided to stay outside. We didn't wanna look too overwhelming. Six kids walking into a pawn shop with a chunk of gold would look pretty suspicious. We waited for 10 minutes on the curb, making light conversation when the door finally opened and they made their way back to the van. No one spoke. They opened the doors, and JJ nodded his head towards the door telling us to get in.

"A warehouse? So, they keep money out here?" I said as we drove down a unfamiliar country road, repeating what they had told us earlier. The pawn shop owner claimed she didn't have enough cash to give them, and  gave them an address to where they could get the money.
"That's what she said." John B answered me, looking around as he drove down the mysterious road.
"I've never even heard of...." sarah squinted as we passed a road sign. "Resurrection road?"
"Yeah the road name seems real promising." I was starting to feel like something was off.
"Cause your rich." JJ said back to her, reaching in his pocket for a joint he had rolled earlier this morning,
"You have never heard of it either!" I snapped at him, grabbing the almost lit joint out of his mouth and putting it out.
"There is nothing but weeds back here." Kie said looking out the window.
I turned and looked out the back. Cops. Fucking perfect.
"Shit." John B said seeing the lights in the rear view mirror. "Cops? Out here?"
"Are you kidding me?" Kie whipped around.
"What did we do?" Sarah looked at John B panicked.
"Stash that!" I pointed down to the gold still in JJs hand. I started swatting my arms through the air to get rid of the smell of the almost lit joint."Shit J. It reeks. I know they will smell it." He was shoving the gold into his backpack.
"Did you bring the gun?" Kie eyed JJs backpack suspiciously
"No. Okay? T told me to keep it home."
"Thank god." Kie looked relieved
"Yeah he finally listened for once." I added
"Anything else in your bag?" Pope questioned grabbing the bag, shoving it under the seat.
"Why is everyone jumping on me?"
"Because you are usually the one-" I was starting to answer when John B interrupted.
"Shut up guys, he is walking up. Be cool."
We all sat stiffened as we waited for him to approach the window.
"Sir-" John B said before we heard the click of a gun. The man at the window wasn't a cop. He held the gun to the window and pointed it at John Bs head.
"Let me see them hands in the air!" John B put his hands up. The masked man pointed the gun at Sarah in the passenger seat, and then aimed it towards us in the back. "Everybody, hands up now!" He shouted. JJ turned his body slightly so he was blocking me. We all did as were told.
"You! Out of the car let's go." He opened the door and John B slowly slid out. He kept his hands up in the air and walked slowly towards the back door. He never took his eyes off the man with the gun.
"Let them out." We all watched as the door slid open slowly. We knew John B didn't want to open it, but he had no choice. "All of you, out!" The man shouted pointing the gun at us. "Let's go! Get out!" He shouted pointing the gun at Kie and Pope as they made their way out. Sarah crawled from the passenger seat and made her way through the open door. "There you go pretty girl, come on." JJ reached for my hand and he shook the gun at him. "Hey hands up. Let's go. Don't worry about her. She can get out on her own." JJ got up slowly and stopped in front of the door before I could come out. He was trying to block him from pointing the gun at me. "Don't be a tough guy. Or I'll blow her brains out."
"JJ." I whispered. "Don't." I pushed his back slightly telling him to go. He moved and I jumped out. The man smirked at me as he pointed his gun right at my face. I made my way over and stood by Pope on the side of the road. Jj followed stopping by me.
"We are broke." JJ yelled
"Shut the hell up!" He screamed. He pointed the gun right at me. " I warned you man. I'll blow your girls brains all over this road. Try me." I squeezed my eyes shut.
" all right. Just relax." JJ pleaded.
"Everybody down. Lay down in the ditch. Now!"
We all slowly made our way to the ground. We laid on our stomachs hands still out where he could see. I looked at Pope and then to JJ. "Faces on the ground!" He screamed at us. "Don't move! Just stay right there!" He ran over to the bus and climbed in.
"This was a fucking set-up." I heard Kie blurt out.
"Fuck! God damn it!" I turned to JJ as he punched the ground. His jaw was clenched tightly. Anger burning in his eyes.
"Baby. Stop." I pleaded trying to get him to calm down.
"Wait! No,no,no,no! John B!" Sarah whispered. I turned in their direction to see him running towards the cop car.
Shit. John B was going to get himself killed.
"Don't be a fucking hero, man!" Kie called out to him. It was too late. John B had already climbed into the back of the car and shut the door behind him.
"Now just stay like that." The man with the gun reappeared, causing us to all turn our heads back at the same time. "Don't move!"
My heart was racing. The man walked towards the car. The gold was in his hand. The gold.
We were screwed. He pointed the gun at all of us as he walked by, not even noticing John B was missing. As the gunman opened the door, Sarah let out a whimper and Pope grabbed Kies hand. We watched holding our breaths as he climbed in and closed the door. Suddenly there was a struggle and grunting in the car.
"I got the gun!" John B shouted from the car and JJ shot up running to help him.
"You son of a bitch!" JJ yelled jumping on the man and punching him over and over. We all shot up after him. Kie kicked the man while he was down. Pope ran over kicking him again. I ran to the passenger seat, flinging open the door. "I got the gold!" I shouted over them. They were all taking turns, beating the man senseless. I walked back over to the fight. The man was beaten badly and leaning up against the car on the ground. John B ripped down the masks he was wearing.
"I know this piece of shit." JJ answered
"I've seen him on our street." I agreed looking at JJ
"Yeah he's a basehead. He sells to my dad." He looked at me. He was filled with rage.
"He probably knows my brother." Sarah was staring down at him.
"Look, I couldn't hurt any of y'all, ok?" The druggie tried to say. JJ took the shot gun he was holding in his hands and hit the man right in his face, knocking him to the ground.
"Shit."John B yelled
"JJ! Stop." I grabbed his arm, making him release the gun.
"What the hell man." Pope shouted at him grabbing onto him too. JJ shook us both off and bent down to the man, grabbing his wallet out his pants.
"What the hell are you doing J?" I asked desperately trying to get him to look at me. He wouldn't. I had never seen him so angry. He ripped the mans ID out and threw the wallet back on top of him.
"We got one more stop to make." He turned quickly, walking right by me. Like I wasn't even there.
"Baby, stop." I shouted at his back. He acted like he didn't hear me.
" hey!" John B yelled, but JJ was already opening the door to the van.
"Let's go see where this son of a bitch lives." He climbed in and slammed the door.
JJ had officially snapped.

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