Crossed the line

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"You agreed to this in the bus." I teased setting up the Dixie cups on the table. " don't be scared now."

"Oh, I'm not scared. Me? Seriously. Scared? I just think it's a little unfair, considering no one has ever beat you in beer pong."

"Then why would you agree dude?" John B asked handing him a beer to start filling up the cups.

"I mean does one really lose when it come to beer pong?" He walked over throwing his arm around my shoulders, cupping my face with other hand. " you get drunk. It's a win-win."

I shrugged him off of me and continued setting the cups in their formation. Beer pong was me and JJs favorite party game. We were always on a team, and we always ran the table. We loved going to parties and suckering kooks to play us, pretending we couldn't play until they decided to bet big- then we would show out, walking away with lots of cash. Suckers.
Right now the only sucker I saw though, was JJ. That bed was mine. He could sleep on the floor.

The wind outside was howling wildly and the rain really started pelting down on the chatteau. JJ and I were on our third game of beer pong, when suddenly the power went out.

"Hurry up bro, light a candle or something. I was so close to almost beating her. I only have two cups left!" He hollered at John B.

"I'm calling it guys. JJ, accept defeat dude and go to bed." John B walked down the dark hallway and we heard his door close.

I didn't remember how many beers I drank, but I was feeling good and was. no where near tired. I looked at JJ and grabbed his last two cups, chugging the beer that was inside.

" that's my kind of girl." He said eyeing me and doing the same with the three cups left on his side. He had that glazed over look in his eyes and I could tell he was feeling a buzz. We both went into the kitchen and found two candles. JJ whipped out his lighter and lit them.
" I totally kicked your ass by the way." I said turning around to face JJ and leaning onto the counter. He bent down so that his face was inches from mine.
"Did you now?" He said seductively. JJ loved to play these little games. I stared right back into his eyes, not giving him the satisfaction of watching me squirm. Maybe it was the beer, but for once I was confident. I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach, but it wasn't making me nervous. I wanted him to kiss him. My eyes slowly grazed down from his, down to his lips and back up.I never noticed just how blue his eyes were, I was lost in them, the way the candlelight was reflecting into them. JJ held my gaze and whispered, " don't do that."
"Do what?" I said barely above a whisper.
He stared at me and then suddenly as if someone snapped him back into reality, he shook his head and looked down.

"Oh shit. I forgot all about you." He said bending down to pick up the joint from earlier. I guess it had fallen out his pocket when he took out his lighter. He put it to his lips and lit it. He took a deep, slow drag and looked at me as he blew it out. I released the breathe I didn't even know I was holding.  "Here." He said handing me the joint with a smile. He walked over to the old CD player sitting on the coffee table and hit play. It was one of Big Johns old country CDs we liked to listen to when we wanted to fill the silence. I laughed as I watched JJ start to sway and sing the song. I couldn't help but join him and before I knew it, we were dancing and passing the joint back and forth. Not a care in the world. The Pogue way as JJ always said.

I was on cloud nine. My mind kept racing back to the moment JJ and I shared in the kitchen. Don't do that. Why? It sounded like he liked it. The way he was looking at me, I swore he was going to kiss me, and I wanted him too. I needed to get to bed. Clear my head.
"Alright, it's getting crazy out there. We should probably get to bed. You know we will have a lot to clean up tomorrow." 
"Wow T, ya just can't hang, can ya?" He said grabbing another beer.
"Well, I would. But that comfortable sofa bed is calling my name. Maybe if I was a loser, who had to sleep on the floor, I wouldn't want to go to sleep either." I gave him a cocky smile and made my way over to the sofa bed.
I felt him come up behind me.
"Ya know, now that I think about it..."
I turned around to face him slowly. Looking up as he towered over me. His body was so close to mine.
"I did mention something about us sharing."
He reached his hand slowly towards my hip. My heart started racing. He placed both hands on my hips gently, as if he was asking for permission. I reached up and placed a hand on his chest, slowly moving it down until I could feel his hard abs. I grabbed a handful of his t-shirt and looked up to meet his eyes. As soon as our eyes locked, it was a go. He grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine. We were hungry, needy. My hands were in his hair. He picked me up and laid me on the bed, never breaking our kiss. I moved my hands down and grabbed the hem of his shirt pulling it over his head. He stopped and hovered over me.
"Are you sure?" He asked me, breathing heavily. I could see the sincerity in his eyes.
I never wanted anything more.
"Yes." I whispered grabbing his face and bringing his lips back to mine.

I wanted this. I needed this. But all I could think in the back of mind was,  we crossed the line.

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