8. Wrong Bed

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I dint own any characters in this book, j.k. rowling does. i won storyline x


Hermione's POV

I woke up to a the warm sunshine on my face, and felt a gush of happiness in my stomach. I cuddled into my pillow to sleep for a little longer except, it smells odd. It didn't smell bad, but it didn't smell my me. It smelt like cologne. My eyes shot open.
They were filled with green and silver... Fuck.
I had fallen asleep in Draco Malfoy's bed.
How could i be so dumb?
That's when i noticed him. Draco was asleep with his arm rested gently on my back, and curling around my waist. We were both laying on our stomachs.
I kind of didn't want to move.
But its Thursday, and i have classes to attend.
I opened my eyes again, and looked at the clock.
It was 9:15am! I was late for class!

"Draco get up! We're late!" I slapped Draco on his back. He shot up.

"Wha- Oh. Oh shit." He climbed out of bed.

"Blaise, get up. We're late." I heard Draco shake Blaise.

"Oh whatever, you guys go. I'm sleeping in." Blaise rolled over.
I was running round the room, getting my shoes on. I turned my pj's into my uniform, and looked at my hair in the mirror. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my hair and a birds nest.
I quickly used another spell to make it straight, and grabbed my books that i left next to my shoes.

I turned around to see Draco ready. His hair was still fluffy, but i honestly liked it better that way.
With a quick flick of his wand, his bed was made.

"What are we waiting for? We have Transfiguration first, and McGonagall will not be happy that we are late." Draco grabbed my wrist and we bolted to our class.
Who knew that Draco Malfoy didn't like being late for classes.


"Wait Granger!" Malfoy yelled from behind me. I was just about to reach the door of the class when i turned around.

"What?" I turned around. I already wasn't in a good mood, so this better be important.
He slowed down his sprinting and stopped in front of me. He then put his hands in my hair, and made it messy.

"What was that for you ferret!" I yelled, slapping his hand away.

"This is a good time to make Astoria and Ron jealous... for all they know we spent the night together.
Us fake dating completely slipped my mind. It was a good idea, but that would just get us in more trouble then we are already in.

"I don't know, it seems like a bad idea." I replied, slowly stepping backwards to grab the handle of the class.

"Oh come on, so what if we get in a little trouble." There's the Draco i knew.

"We could get another detention though..." I was cut short.

"I'll take the blame. I'll say that i wanted you to stay longer." He quickly said.

"Alright, but it's not my fault if you get in trouble."
I opened the door of the classroom, and everyone's heads turned to look at Draco and I. We were both still out of breath, and not of our hair was messy.

"Miss Granger and Mr Malfoy, where have you been?" Professor McGonagall looked pierced into my soul.

"We're sorry Professor, it won't happen again." I cut in before Draco could say anything stupid.

"May i ask where you have been?" I glanced up to Draco who was also looking a me. No words were coming out of my mouth even though it was open.

"Professor, I dint think you'd want to know." Ron spat.

"10 points will be taken from Slytherin and Gryffindor. Miss Granger, I would expect better from you." Professor McGonagall turned back around, and continued writing on the black board.
Draco and I took a seat next to each other at the back of the class.

"See, that wasn't so bad." Draco smirked at me.

"Whatever, also i didn't mean to fall asleep last night. Sorry." I whispered back to him, whilst grabbing my book.

"And i didn't want to wake you either, you seemed so... comfy. I too didn't mean to fall asleep next to you." We have each other a sheepish smile, and put our heads down to work.

"So, are you gonna tell us what happen last night!" Ginny beamed. She and Harry seemed to be over the fact that i was 'dating' Draco.
The 3 of us were sitting in the Great Hall, eating lunch. Ginny was snuggled next to Harry, and i was sat next to them.

"Well... oh! Before i say a lie, I need to tell you guys something!" I huddled them in across the table, so no one else could hear me.

"What is it?" Harry whispered.

"So... I'm not actually dating Draco." I leaned back a little.

"So your just hook buddies?" Ginny was yet again confused.

"No!" I huddled back in.
"We are fake dating so he can get back Astoria, and I can get back Ron!" I said as if it was obvious.

"Who came up with that plan?" We all leaned back, since there was nothing secretive anymore.

"Draco. In detention." I started eating my hand and lettuce sandwich.

"I mean, it sounds like it will work." Ginny still wasn't convinced.

"I know it will work, Ron won't bloody shut up about you and Draco. He's jealous already." Harry rolled his eyes.

"If you catch feelings for Malfoy, not come running to me asking why. You're practically putting yourself in a trap to do so." Ginny giggled
"Omg wait, does this mean that i can rub this in Ron's face? He is being such a cow recently, and it would make me feel 10x better if i could just annoy him." Ginny squirmed in happiness.

"Yea, i guess so." I smiled. Having them know about this plan would make it easier...


Sorry for the boring chapter :(
There is tea coming up, as well as the Quidditch match Slytherin vs Gryffindor!


"Bit cold Granger?" Draco shuffled over so our legs were touching. My breath hitched for a second.

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