35. Our last strand of Hogwarts

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I do not own these characters, i own plot x


Third Person

"There will be no talking in your exam. There will be no passing notes. You are all doing this by yourself. You should have all studied. These exams are extremely important." Professor McGonagall announced at the front of the hall.

Everyone was sitting down at their own desk. They were about to take their exams. These shape your life...

"You may begin!" The papers flew to the tables, and everyone started.

40 minutes passed, until Hermione heard a familiar voice ringing in her head, "Mione... Whats the answer to question 29?"

He really was using this to get answers,
"I thought you were smart!" She snapped.

"I am, it's just i don't remember this..."

Hermione sighed aloud, then flipped through her booklet to get to the specific question.

"Dragon eye and pixie hair."

"Thank you honey, i love you."
Hermione's cheeks started to go red,
"I love you too."


"How did you guys do?" Ginny asked everyone.
Blaise, Ginny, Draco, Hermione,  Theo, Luna, Harry and Pansy (who by the way couldn't keep hands off each other... oh my merlin!), were all sat in the boys dorms again.

"I think i did okay!" Luna beamed as always.

"I did fine, beside the fact that that one, had to use legilimency on me!" Hermione's pointed to Draco, who wore a smug face.

"I needed the answer. You wouldn't want me to get a shit job because i failed O.W.L.S. would you? Think of our kids!" He laughed, but Hermione's sat there thinking.

Kids? I've never thought about kids... what about work? How many kids? Where will we will? What job will i have? Will Hogwarts still be around? Who am i kidding, of course Hogwarts is going to be here!

"What's everyone going to do after school?" Theo asked.

"I'm going to be an Auror," Harry said, then kissed Pansy.
Fucking hell...

"Too much PDA in this room..." Blaise announced and everyone laughed.

"I want to play for the Holyhead Harpies!" Ginny smiled, then grabbed onto Blaise arm,

"Im want to do something around house elves, but i'm not sure what yet." Hermione spoke, then turned to Draco,
"What about you?"

"I don't have to work..."

Hermione was taken back by his comment, "But your going to work." She stated bravely,

"What as then?" He asked,

"You could be a healer? Or go for Minister? Orrrr the foreign affairs and sport department?" She listed off,

"This is why i have you here," He leant down, and they kissed,

"We want to work for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures!" Luna looked to Theo, who was smiling chumfully.

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