24. My Little Devil

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I do not own these characters,  i own plot x


Hermione's Pov:

It's been one month since Harry and i had that 'conversation'. We hadn't talked since. If we saw each other during class or break, we would maybe nod, or just not acknowledge each other.
It was October 29th. 2 more days till halloween!

Draco and I had been getting closer. Nothing note worthing had happen, but we had become more open.

Ginny and Blaise went on their date. Apparently it went splendidly. They didn't want to give a lot of details for obvious reasons, * cough cough * 70% snogging.
They are going smoothly. Ginny is the happiest i had seen her in a while. Blaise is more joyful and hopeful now. They are perfect for each other.

I have been planning to go trick or treating for halloween. I hadn't been since i was a little girl, and it would be so fun going with Draco, Blaise, Ginny, and possibly Theo, ( although he might be theirs wheeling...)

I had been wanting to go into the muggle word and go trick or treating. None of them had done this before so they were very new to this.

"What's the point of this?" Blaise asked, swinging an arm around Ginny. They were in a love seat in the Slytherin common room. Draco and I were opposite them.

"Well, you get dressed up into something scary, ( or if your some weird teenage girls something slutty ), but you can really go as what you want. The you knock on people's doors. You say 'Trick or treat!", then they give you candy." I explained in the simplest form.

"Yeah, but why?" Draco asked, lying back on the couch.

"For fun! Don't you get it!" Ginny laughed. I had talked about halloween with her a lot, so she was excited.

"I don't know if i'm bothereeeeed!" Blaise sighed. He earnt a slap from Ginny on his chest.

"We will be going, and we will dress. Both of you." Ginny told Draco and Blaise.

Draco leant forward, then grabbed onto my waist, pulling me back to lay on him. "Fine. What will we go as?"

"I want us to go as an angel and devil! It's cute and basic." I smiled at Draco, who have a smirk.
"I'm obviously the angel." He joked.

"I want us to go as Ariel and the prince!" Ginny smiled to Blaise who gave her a confused face.

"Who the fuck is Ariel and the prince?" Blaise queried.

Finn gasped, "Omg! You have never seen any of the Disney movies?"

"What the fuck is a movie." Draco butted in.

"It's like a bunch of pictures put together to make a story. You watch it for entertainment." I explained to the two of them.

"We are all watching The Little Mermaid Friday night." Ginny planned out. Tomorrow was Friday. Saturday was halloween.

"Yeah alright. So we have halloween planned?" Draco agreed.

"Yeah, we will apparate to California and do trick or treating there!" I rested my head on Draco's shoulder.

"In the muggle world?" Blaise looked over to me.

"Yes Blaise, this is a muggle thing." I said sternly with a straight face on.

He raised his hands to defend himself, "Okay okay, i was just checking." He smirked, and i playfully rolled my eyes in return.

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