21. So, uh you and Harry?

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I do not own these characters, j.k Rowling does,
i own plot x


Ginnys POV

"Nott!" Theo turned around from leaving the common room , and i ran up to him in the hallway.

"Weaslette. What do you need?" He questioned me.

"Well, i kind of need to know the password to get in so i can go and see Blaise to finish this essay." I smiled at him innocently whilst he laughed and rolled his eyes.

"The password is 'pureblood.' Also no snogging please. It's my room too!" He turned around without another word, and left to wherever he was going.

"Of course it's pureblood." I mumbled and walked up to serpent, "Pureblood." I confidently said.
The cold chamber opened. All the Slytherin heads turned to me, but only one caught my eye.

"Ah! Weaslette!" Blaise stood up from the couch, leaving Pansy and Astoria behind.
"Fancy seeing you here!" He walked up to me, and gently lifted my hand to his lips, then proceeded to kiss it.

"Yes, well we have an essay to finish." I looked around the common room in awe. It was so different to the Gryffindor one. Much colder, and much greener.

"Yes, take this." He shoved a vile into my hand. I read the note that it had attached to it.
'For girls to get to boys common rooms. Have fun ;)'
A smiled at the note, then took a swing of liquid.
I poked my tongue out to Blaise who was watching me.

"I know. It doesn't taste like lollipops, but it will let you get to my dorm at least!" He grabbed my hand again, and started to towards a staircase, which i'm assuming goes to his dorm.

"Welcome to our chamber!" He opened the door, and let me step in first. It was the same size as ours, except instead of seeing the lake as view, i am in the lake. The room as a green/ blue tint to it because of the water outside.

"Wow." I laughed, and looked around. Every bed was made, and on each of the trunks at the bottom of beds, it had the owners initials.

"This is my humble bed." He sat down at the top of bed, and i sat at the end facing him. I picked up my bag, and pulled out our nearly finished essay.

All we had to do was right the concluding sentence, so i dint know why Blaise invited me up to his dorm to finish it.

"We only have one more sentence." I grabbed out the quill, and started writing.
'Nonverbal spell take a lot of time and practice to perfect, this is why they are one of the most difficult spells to master.'

"Done. Why did you bring me up here?" I asked, grabbed a throw rug, and using it warm me up.

"Well i actually wanted to talk to you." he rubbed the back of neck.

"Go on." I snuggled into the blanket a little bit more.

"So, uh, what's going on with you and Harry?" He asked teaching for a fluffy blanket.

"You didn't hear?" I started to lay down across the bed, with my knees in my chest, and my head perched on my hand.

"No? What happen?" he threw the blanket he had just picked up.

"Oh, i broke up with him. I didn't see us in the long run, and i started to have feeling for someone else i guess." I picked up the blanket he had just thrown me and looked at Blaise. He had no blanket on.

"You need the blanket more the i do." He said, noticing my confusion.

"That doesn't mean you don't need a blanket, it's freezing!" I throw him the blanket.
"I'm use to the cold, you have it. Your wearing a singlet and jeans, which look really nice by the way, but you are freezing!" He threw the blanket at me again.

"Blaise. You need a blanket. I will have the throw, you have your rug." I said sternly.
"No, Ginerva. I have the throw, you get the rug." He grabbed the throw from off my legs.

"Blaise Zanbini! Give me back that throw right now!" I grabbed onto throw so we were tugging over it.
"No! You get the fluffy rug!" He pulled a little more and pulled me towards him by and inch.

"No! I don't want it!" I tugged more then him, which moved him closer.
"My dorm my RULES!" He yanked the with me still attached. I got thrown on top of Blaise with the rug still in my hands.
I went as red as my hair. I quickly tried to get off, put i was stopped. two arms snaked around my waist, then gripped onto each other so i couldn't escape.

"You such a Slytherin." I laugh, lifting my head up so our faces were inches apart.
"I am aren't i. I could be your Slytherin you know?" He smirked as my blush reddened.
"Take me on a date first."

"Three Broomsticks, this Saturday." He arranged.
"Deal." I smiled, "I'm still cold." I shivered.

His head tilted, "How can you be cold, when your on top me?"

"Maybe your warm because i'm your blanket, but i currently have no blanket." I tried to reach for the fluffy rug at the end of the bed, but was pulled back.
Blaise rolled over, so he was on top of me, his legs supporting him so he would squash me.

"I'm your blanket now." He smiled.
"But now you cold!" I complained.
"Fine, i grab the rug." His arm reached backwards and pulled the rug over the top of him.

"Now, what was i about to do." His head moved back in line with mine. "Oh right! I was about to kiss you." He smiled,

"Kiss m-" Me sentence was stopped, when his mouth attached to mine. I immediately replied back the same way, both of us hungry.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He rolled over again, so i was on top. My knees were either side of him, but i soon collapsed when he pulled my back down to his stomach.
My head rested on his chest as we both caught our breaths back.
He kissed the top of my head, in between his breaths.

"I broke Theo's rule." I whispered,
"What?" Blaise lifted his head.
"He said no snogging." I smiled,

"You broke that one pretty fast. You don't understand how long i've wanted to do that." He whispered in my ear.
"You should have done it earlier." i replied, pulling the blanket over the top of us.
I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, and stayed there for while, listening to his breathing. It was so relaxing.
Although it was only 6:30pm, i feel to sleep, on top of Blaise Zanbini.

Oh how times have changed...




"Can't we just snog?" He laughed, and i rolled my eyes at his comment.

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