1. Train Ride Home ♡

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I do not own any of the character in this Fan Fic. All are J.K Rowling character. The story line is mine

this is my first book, there is DRAMIONE coming very soon! like chapter 3+
the first 2 are just to get a grip of the situation x

also please tell me if i should do BLINNY or leave it as HINNY? xx



"Have you guys seen Trevor?" Neville popped his head in the carriage and looked at Ginny, Harry, Luna, Ron, and Hermione. Ginny looked around then shook her head.

"Sorry Neville, but i'll keep an eye out for you," She smiled. Neville pushed the door shut and continued on his hunt.

"Just like first year, nothing has changed really." Harry said, whilst he smoothly wrapped  his arm around Ginny, and pulled her closer. She looked up and rolled her eyes then giggled.

"I think it's quite amazing how you guys are nearly finished school." Luna beamed.
"I mean 7 years ago you guys were on this train heading to Hogwarts for your first day!" She exclaimed.

"Yea, you're right, and if i remember correctly, we were actually in this exact carriage!" Harry exclaimed, "But before it was just the 3 of us. Just the 'Golden Trio' " He reminisced, looking up and Ron and Hermione to get their in put.

Hermione gave Harry a grin, then went back to her book.
Ron hardly acknowledged that Harry had said something, and just gave to a quick glance then looked back out the window.

"Oh, little Harry had no clue what was coming for him." Ginny said proudly to her boyfriend. "I mean you did do some crazy detective work in your first year, then in your second, you killed a crazy snake and saved me," Ginny took a breathe and kissed Harry on the cheek to say thank you, then continued,

"Then you had some crazy family somewhat reunion, tHeN..." But she was cut of short by Harry,

"Ginny, yes, i understand, i am pretty fabulous but..." he lowered his voice only so Ginny could hear him,

"This isn't really the right time to bring up the past."
Ginny nodded and said,

"I know but your just so amazing i couldn't help myself." then giggled and shuffled her head into Harry's chest.

"Ginny can i talk to you... in private?" Hermione's eyes shot up to Ginny's.

"Yea, bring your robes because we are nearly at Hogwarts so we might as well get changed." Ginny grabbed Harry's hang from behind her and put it back into his lap, then gave him a kiss on the cheek and winked.
The girls got up and walked out into the corridor of the train walking towards the bathrooms.

"Why does he have to make being friends again so difficult!" Hermione blurted as the door shut to the carriage.
"I've tried to talk to him so many times and he just ignores me or raises his eyebrows in agreement like a sarcastic, ignorant bitch!" Hermione puffed and kept on walking, keeping her eyes glued to the ground.

"You guys did just break up 'Mione, give him some time. I know from full experience from being his sister that he is extremly stubborn, but he comes around eventually..." Ginny tried to reason with Hermione, "I promise."

"That doesn't give him the right to be all stuck up and mopey! He was the one to break it off, because he 'wasn't feeling it'. Like we have been literally in LOVE since we first met. What type of excuse was that!" She rambled on as Ginny and herself walked down the corridor, "I mean yes, we've had our ups and downs, but i still love him and we managed to work everything out! I would just appreciate it if he would give me some sort of respect!" Hermione scoffed, and wiped some tears off her cheeks.

Over the holidays, Hermione and Ron had broken up  to everyone's surprise. They were childhood sweat hearts, and they always had something going for them. This obviously wasn't left on a good note, and made it awkward in the golden trio when,
A. Ron and Hermione had tension from there recent breakup, and...
B. Harry was still dating Ginny, and they were the happiest they had ever been, which is the opposite it Ron and Hermione.

"I just want things to go back to normal, you know? None of this annoying tension, i just wanna be best friends with him-" Hermione ran into something and before she could look up see what it was, it started to talk...

"Watch it Granger!" Malfoy peered down to Hermione's eyes, then to her hand that rested on his chest to keep her balance from the initial shock.
She quickly lifted her head and pulled back her hand. Her face went bright red when she realised what had just happen.

"For the brightest witch of the age, you can't even walk without mucking it up for the life of you!" Malfoy rolled his eyes and smirked at Blaise then to Hermione.

"You need to book her some walking lessons for toddlers!" Blaise sneered at Ginny who had her eyes wide open in shock from what just occurred.

"And you guys need to go to etiquette school for the way your acting. You guys are the ones who are toddlers!" Hermione looked up in disgust at the two towering boys in front of her. She was still snifiley from her tears earlier, but she tried not to show it... although, she was doing terribly at hiding it.

This incident was not helping her already shitty mood. She really wasn't in the right head space for any confrontation.

"Oh calm down, we're just having some fun!" Malfoy put his hand onto Hermione's shoulder then pushed her against the wall, and rested his arm behind her.

"Oh, and by the way, heard about you the weasel.
You can't even keep a relationship together." Malfoy shot a malicious smirk at Hermione, then swiftly lifted his arm back to his side, and wondered back to his carriage.

"I can't believe that they feel that they could just do that! He shouldn't be allowed to lay a hand on you! They think that they are top shit because they are rich. Well they can shove that money up were the sun don't shine!" Ginny was going crazy. She was practically having a fit. She always had a grunge against Malfoy and his family because of the that they treated her father at the ministry, and the way they treated her whole family. All nine of them.

"Don't worry Gins, it's not like we are gonna see him often. I don't have any classes with him this year, which i am so thankful for, but that's just the way he acts. He's just a prissy toddler who needs to learn some manners."

And with Ginny being rowled up, and Hermione still emotional, they went off to the bathrooms to get changed.



"You know what Hermione, your really living up to the standards of a Mudblood right now."


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