32. Azkaban You Go

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I do not own these characters, i own plot x


Draco's POV

"Put me down! No harm, no foul!" A recent voice yelled from down the hall,

Oh i'm gonna kill that fucking slut!

I bolted to the door, to see a levitating Astoria Greengrass.
She was being held up by Theo,


"Oops! Didn't mean to hit your head..." Theo smirked, then he smashed Astoria onto the ground. She fell down, face first.

"Could have been more gentle." Has mumbled as she got up, and wiped down her her skirt,

"And you could have tried not to kill Hermione!" Blaise shouted, running over to unconscious Mione.

"Astoria! This is urgent! If you tell us what the cure is, it will cut down you time in Azkaban!" Madame Pomfrey left Hermione's side, and bolted over to Astoria with a quill and notebook.

"AZKABAN?" Fear whittled in the cold blooded murderers eyes.

"Yes! Attempted murder! Now, what's the cure?" The nurse asked again,

"Let me right it down for you..." Astoria grabbed the quill and notepad. She jotted something down, then passed it back. I ran over to see what the cure was, and how easy it would be to get,

It wrote,

I don't know :)
I didn't make one :)
Oopsie daisyyy!

I looked up to in anger, fire lurking in my eyes,
"Did you not make a cure?"

"Nope!" She sang, how the fuck was she so happy?!

"We can make one!" Madame pomfrey ran over to her office.
Blaise, Theo and I all quickly followed,

"How can you make a cured there isn't one?" Theo huffed,

"Well, when you make a poison, there has to be a cure! You have to say;
What the poison will do,
How to make said poison,
And what the cure is,
Without these 3 things, your poison isn't complete! Therefore, since Astoria didn't make the anecdote, we just need her to make one!" Pomfrey explained all in one breath.

She happily skipped in,

"Yes?" She smiled.
Theo clenched his fists, wanting to punch a bitch.

"Come and sit down. We need you to add to the poison. Did you use your wand it make it?" I quickly asked her, as she sat down at the only seat in the room.


"Good! Well, we need you to make another one! The EXACT same one!" Madame Pomfrey smiled fakley.

"Oo! Who did we get to kill?" Astoria beamed,

I came up with an idea quickly, "Uhh... Harry Potter!"

"YES! IM IN! LET ME GO AND GRAB THE SUPPLIES FROM MY DORM! IL BE RIGHT BACK!" She got up, and sprinted out the door.

"How fucking dumb!" Blaise laughed, then sat down on the bench.

Madame Pomfrey grabbed a random herb from her draw,
"This can be the cure! It's ginger! I'll quickly made a tea, then we'll get Miss. Granger take some. She would have had the cure because the poisons cure will be the same for the one she took!"

I grabbed the kettle whilst Pomfrey cut up some ginger into small pieces, then made the tea.

By the time Astoria came back with a arm full of ingredients, The tea was done.

"Okay, so what we do is..." Astoria walked over to cauldron, and added some peculiar and rare things into it.
It started to bubble purple, then blue, then green.

"It's really simple you see! You just add some of this... and a little bit of that..." She talked to herself.

The cauldron spat out a vile of green liquid. Pomfrey quickly snatched it off her.

"HEY!" Astroia bellowed,

"Oh, i'm umm- the ginger will kill them faster, but in more pain!" Promfey smiled innocently, then plopped in the ginger.

It quickly fizzled away.

The nurse ran out of the room, and open granger mouth. She put a droplet of it on her tongue, then immediately poured the ginger tea into her gob as well.

We all stood around Hermione's patiently.

There was a open, and slam of the door,
"ASTOIRA GREENGRASS, YOU ARE BEING TAKEN BY US, THE AURORS, BECAUSE OF ATTEMPTED MURDER!" A group of 3 men ran up to Astroia. Handcuffs got thrown on her hands, and ropes were put around her ankles.

The aurors quickly stupified her. She fell unconscious on the floor. They immediately apparated away.

"What a sight..." A small voice rung from behind us.
We all turned around in a flash, to see a half awake Granger, laying on the bed.

"HERMIONE!" Blaise jumped on top of her, and squished her in a hug. Hermione laughed weakly, then hugged him back.

I cleared my throat, and Blaise got off.
But before I could get any hugs, it was Theo's turn.
Theo jumped on top of the healing girl, and engulfed her in another hug.

"Thank god you okay!" He whispered softly, then gave her a kiss on her forehead.

I tapped my foot waiting for the two to separate.

"Oh, right!" Theo got off, lastly it was my turn.

"Mione..." I sat her up off the bed, a have the biggest have i have every given. She squished me just much.

"I really had thought i'd lost you..."

Malfoy's don't cry, Malfoy's don't cry, Malfoy's don't...


A year slipped down my cheek, and landed in her hair.
She pulled me somehow closer then before, then whispered,
"By the way, I love you too."




"Bet you 5 galleons, that by the end of this month, their sexual tension would have exploded!" She put out a hand for me to shake.

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