Chapter 20.

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Harry’s POV

I ran farther into the forest.

I stopped when I nearly tripped over something sticking out of the muddy ground. I looked down and saw a wet muddy blob covering my dirty shoes.

I picked it up and saw a familiar label sewn onto it. ‘TOMS’ was visible under a layer of the muck.

“Louis!” my voice howled with the crazy wind. I listened closely for a familiar answer I would get from Louis. “LOUIS!!” I yelled louder but my voice just mixed with the wind.

“Help……” a faint voice went with the wind. I widened my eyes to try to see in the dark night. It was well past midnight right now probably rolling into 1 am. “….me…” was heard after I searched the area.

I was well into the forest. I had been running through this terrible maze of trees and braches for about an hour. I was filthy, I was cold, and I was heartbroken.

I needed Caroline to be okay. I needed her to be alive still. I didn’t know what was going on but I just needed to know that she was okay.

I hated how Louis knew about my true feelings for Caroline. No one ever knew who I liked….well except for when I dated them of course. I just liked keeping those things to myself.

“Caroline?” I whisper out. The wind picked up and I heard that same faint voice.

“Harry…” they said. “…help me…”

“Caroline!” I yelled out running forward. I ran farther into the nightmare I was experiencing.

Then I fell.

Caroline’s POV

“Louis?!” I screamed when I was jolted awake.

Thunder cracked above me and I screamed. Lightning lit up the night sky but no, it wasn’t starry, it was horrifying. The trees shook, the rain was falling nonstop. I felt like I was dying inside.

“Caroline?” I heard a voice. I sat up quickly as the world spun.

“Harry?” I whispered my voice extremely hoarse and sore. I was sick still. Just great.

“CAROLINE?!!” I heard the frantic voice call again. It was Harry, I knew it was him. His voice was deep and husky like it always was. But now….now it was scared and worried. I made him scared and worried.

“Harry?! Help me!” the wind howled as I yelled for him.

How did he get here?

How did he find me?

The feisty, the cocky, and the vain (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now