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Mulan stood pacing outside her family's home. She had tried to peek in the windows but hadn't been able to make anything out. She had even tried listening at the door but her mother had caught her.

What was taking so long?! Was it a good thing it was taking so long? How long did it really take to give an answer! Just a simple yes or no would suffice! Look, two seconds! That's how long it took to think through both answers!

Unbeknownst to her, her mother and grandmother had taken up posts on a nearby bench and were watching her pace in amusement.

"She really likes him, doesn't she?" Her mother observed happily.

"Likes him! I'd say its a good deal more than likes!" Her grandmother chortled.

Just then the door opened and Shang stepped out. He turned and bowed to her father, who was just behind him in the doorway, before approaching her.

Mulan couldn't read his expression and she knew he was doing it on purpose. Hiding his thoughts from her. Was it truly that bad? Had her father really told him no?!

Looking to her father, she saw him smiling gently at her as he wrapped an arm around his petite wife, who had quickly approached him for answers. His expression told her nothing either. The smile could be one of happiness or sympathy. Why were these men trying to drive her insane?!

Shang reached her and she grabbed both of his forearms, begging for the strength to hear their answer, no matter what it was.

"What did he say?" She managed to whisper.

Shang paused, leaving her hanging, watching the impatience and frustration fill her eyes before he allowed himself to smile.

"He said 'yes'." He finally answered.

"He said 'yes'?" She echoed, unbelievingly.

"He said 'yes'." Shang repeated in amusement.

There was a moment of still silence and Shang watched as the news sunk in. Bracing himself. Wait for it...

"HE SAID 'YES'!" She shrieked in complete and utter happiness before throwing herself bodily at him. He caught her up and spun her around as her arms locked around him. Setting her down, he caught her face between his palms and soundly kissed her on the lips. Not daring to take it further than that with her parents still watching.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that!" Shang murmured, sweet relief flooding his veins at her touch.

"I think I do." Mulan answered him with a grin before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back.

It had finally happened. They were officially courting!


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