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The next day they broke camp. Shang wasn't pleased about it at all. In fact, he was downright angry, but Mulan insisted that she was fine to travel and she refused to rest any longer. When Shang had tried to press the matter Mulan had threatened to simply mount up and ride on by herself so Shang had been forced to cave to her will.

Mulan had to fight back a grin thinking about the fierce argument that had raged back and forth for over an hour. Things were feeling back to normal between them. When she had first woken up there had been a tension in the air. A tension of unanswered questions. It was good to be back on solid ground, at least for now. She knew that at some point those questions would have to be answered but she couldn't face them just yet. Instead, she did her best to hurry the packing along by helping where she could.

When it came time to head out, she made her way over to Khan. Just as she had her hands on the saddle to lift herself up and over the horse's broad back a familiar voice stopped her.

"What do you think you're doing?"

She turned to find Shang standing behind her, arms crossed and a scowl gracing his handsome (yes, handsome!) face.

"What do you mean?" She asked defensively, her guard already up at his tone of voice.

"You're not riding Khan." Shang stated firmly.

"Yes I am!" Mulan shot back.

Lowering his arms, Shang crossed the distance between them in three long strides until he towered over her, so close she could feel the heat of him.

"No, you're not." He growled dangerously.

"And why not?" Mulan spat daringly, knowing she was treading on thin ice but unable to stop herself.

"You were laid up in bed for four days due to your injury and you expect me to allow you to ride?"

"Allow me?" Mulan gritted out between her teeth. Of all the high and mighty, egotistical, male, chauvinistic...!

"Yes, allow you. I am still your commanding officer, Ping, and you will not get on that horse! That is an order!" Shang answered forcefully.

So we're back to Ping now, huh? Mulan thought bitterly. She tried not to think about why that hurt her so much.

"Do you understand me, soldier?" Shang asked, getting right in her face like he used to do when they were in training.

For one moment, Mulan got lost in the dark, fiery depths of his gaze before managing to shake herself out of her thrall. The man was seriously too magnetic for his own good!

There was a long pause as Mulan mutinously refused to respond, but the longer they stood there the shakier she felt. Her face felt flushed and her whole body felt like it was vibrating. When Shang's eyes darted an infinitesimally quick glance at her lips before refocusing on her eyes, her heart beat so fast and loud she was sure he could hear it. Why did this irritating man have to have such a strong effect on her!?

"Yes, Sir." She finally muttered in answer to his question.

"Good." He replied, surprising her when his voice was no longer stern, but soft, caressing, tender even, "You know I'm only doing this to protect you from yourself."

And therein lay the dig. Mulan knew she had a tendency to be stubborn about things, sometimes to the point of endangering her health and well being, but did Shang always have to be right about her limitations? It was her body, afterall! Shouldn't she know what she could handle better than anyone? It was irritating!

"Hmph!" She sniffed taking a small step back to regain some of her sanity, "Well, if I'm not riding Khan then how do you suppose I'm going to travel?"

"I have Po rigging up something to drag behind one of the horses with a tent and a couple small trees. You can lay down and rest there."

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