A Song for Thought

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Mulan was miserable. She didn't know what had happened during the night after she had tried to run away from the tent but something must have. When she woke up her hair had been free from her topknot (which was something she avoided around any man at all cost) and Shang had already left the tent without bothering to wake her up. Then, all morning while they were packing up their camp and getting ready to march on, she got the distinct feeling that Shang was avoiding her. There was even a moment when they had walked right past each other, close enough to brush shoulders, and he hadn't even looked at her!

Mulan tried to convince herself that this was a good thing, it made it that much easier for her to ignore him like she had promised herself she would do. But then why did it hurt so much? She just couldn't make head or tail of her feelings anymore. She didn't know what to do.

On top of all of that was the fact that they were officially marching through the mountain passes. Which meant cold winds, cold temperatures, cold snow and cold feet. Mulan hated the cold and having to march through it, uphill no less, was just pure torture. So when the men struck up another complaining marching song, she was more than willing to join in. Who cares if she was focusing all her angst into the words and attempting to hurl them at Shang's back with a vengeance? He deserved it for ignoring her all morning!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

...marching off to battle
In a thundering herd
We feel a lot like cattle.

Gah! There they went again! Shang swore that if he heard one more word about how miserable his men were when they were marching he would really give them something to complain about!

Like the pounding beat
Our aching feet aren't easy to ignore!

What was taking Ling so long? Hadn't they made a deal? What was it with his men disobeying him left and right all of a sudden?

Think of instead
A girl we're fighting for!

Shang sighed in relief. Took the guy long enough!

"Huh?" Shang heard Ping say, sounding thoroughly confused. He had to bite back a chuckle at her reaction.

That's what I said,
A girl worth fighting for!
I want her paler than the moon
With eyes that shine like stars!

Yao quickly picked up the subject with the next refrain.

My girl will marvel at my strength,
Adore my battle scars...

Huh. Who knew Yao had a poetic bone in his body? As Po started in on what he wanted from a woman, Shang contemplated the matter himself. What qualities made up his perfect woman? His father had always kept him so busy with military training and tactics he had never really given it any thought before...

First and foremost she would have to come from a military family. Military lineage was incredibly important to his father. She would have to have a mind for politics and be able to carry out an intelligent conversation in polite company. Her reputation would have to be spotless and she would have to carry herself like a lady; poised, elegant and every movement graceful with no wasted motions. If she knew how to defend herself in a pinch that would be a plus. As a Captain in the Emperor's army he would have numerous enemies searching for his weakness and it would be best if she wasn't it. Beauty would be an added bonus as well...

Almost instantly the memory of a young woman rising from dark water, illuminated by the silver light of the moon came to mind. No! There was no way Ping was the right woman for him, no way could she become his wife! She was too stubborn, opinionated, and...she had been ignoring him all morning! Deliberately avoiding him! He should know because he had been doing the same thing to her as well... but still! That didn't give her the right to throw it back in his face! Ha! Who would want a woman like her, (dressed as a man no less!), for a wife?

But even as he had the thought, another memory intruded. One of her sleeping face lying next to his. Her quiet, peaceful breathing. Then there were the moments when she smiled at him with complete abandon, every wall of hers down for a brief, glorious moment. He could picture her fighting with her sword and staff and bow, practicing over and over and over until every movement was smooth and graceful, flowing from one stance to the next. There was no doubt that she was an amazing woman. It made him wish he had known her before she had disguised herself. Would he have even taken notice of her?

You can guess what we
have missed the most
Since we went off to war
What do we want?
A girl worth fighting for!

Wasn't that the truth? Ping was definitely a girl worth fighting for. If she allowed anyone to do her fighting for her, that is. Shang chuckled at the thought.

My girl will think I have no faults
That I'm a major find...

There was a pause in the song that automatically had Shang turning around to make sure there was no trouble.


Oh, it was Ping's turn to add to the song. This ought to be good. Shang grinned to himself and listened for her to come up with something outrageous.

How bout a girl who's got a brain!
And...always speaks her mind?

Shang had to choke back a laugh at his men's immediate negative response. After all, who wanted a girl chattering away about her misguided opinions all the time? No, best to leave the serious thinking to the men. Women had a tendency to think with their hearts and not their heads. Not that Shang had any real experience with women's thoughts but he had heard stories from reliable sources and those stories were quite scary. It was honorable for a woman to support her husband and his decisions, caring for her physical and emotional welfare. What more could they want? Women should be grateful to their menfolk.

My manly ways
And turn of phrase
Are sure to thrill her!

He thinks he's such a lady killer

I've a girl back home
Who's unlike any other...

Dear lord, even Chi-fu had joined into the fun! Where had that come from? Shang didn't even know he was married! He just didn't seem the sort and what woman would put up with him? His mother?

Yet the only girl who'd love him
Is his mother.

Yao took the words right out of his mind.

"Captain!" One of the scouts he had sent ahead was riding towards them and moving fast. Shang turned his attention away from the silly song his men were still belting out at top volume to focus on the scout.

"Captain, up ahead. There's been an attack on a village!"

"Are the enemy still there?"

"No, sir." Came the answer. Immediately Shang picked up the pace. As they came over a rise, the destruction spread out before them. The smell of ash and blood was strong in the air. The sight silenced his men mid-verse. Moving slowly, Shang led his sober troops into the destroyed and blackened village. Fighting down the panic rising in his chest, he spun his mount around and turned back to face his horror-stricken men.

"Search for survivors!" He ordered as calmly as he could.

I'm sorry to end it there but I think it's appropriate to do so.

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