The Mother of all Interrogations

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A week later found Mulan out on the practice field by herself. It was early in the morning. Fog still swirled gently around the trees and misted the grass in sparkling frost. She was slowly putting herself through her paces. Cautiously stretching every muscle, especially those around her core and wound. When she felt no pain, she began to stretch more vigorously. With a grin of triumph she found herself with full range of movement and no pain!

Strong, warm arms suddenly wrapped around her middle, gently pulling her back into a solid chest.

"How are we feeling today?" Shang murmured in her ear.

"Wonderful!" Mulan answered exuberantly, turning in his arms to return his embrace. True to their agreement, Shang had not kissed her since that night she had shown him her tattoo. However, he had not held back with other forms of affection, such as holding hands and hugs.

It had been a bit of an adjustment for Mulan at first, but now she welcomed and returned the attentions he gave her with full enthusiasm.

"So, time to leave?" Shang queried softly.

"Yes, time to leave." Mulan agreed. As loathe as she was to leave her newfound friends, it was time to take steps forward towards the future she and Shang would share together. That meant going home. But there was one stop they had to make between there and where they were.

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After packing their few belongings, Shang and Mulan found themselves in the courtyard surrounded by their friends to say goodbye. Kuo, Peijing and Ming Jiang had left a couple days before to make it home before the winter snows fell. But they promised that they would come visit after the spring thaw. Yao and Ling had made the decision to stay with Po's family for the winter since neither had family obligations calling them to their homes. Po, of course, was staying with his family as well. This left Shang and Mulan to make the final leg of the journey themselves.

Mei threw her arms around Mulan and hugged her close.

"I'm so happy for you! And you better invite me to your wedding!"

Mulan had to laugh, "We're not even formally courting yet, Mei!"

"I don't care!"

Then Jing Hai was there, gently by pulling his wife off so Mulan could breathe again. He clapped Shang on the shoulder with a grin, then turned to Mulan.

"You still owe me a sparring match, Hero." He teased.

"Well, I guess that's your excuse to come visit, Jing." Mulan shot back, startling a laugh out of the big man.

"Do be careful now, dears. If there's any bad weather you just turn around and come right back here, understand?" Ai asked, concern in her eyes as she gave them each a warm hug.

"We will." Shang reassured her.

Then they were mounted up and trotting through the front gates. Mulan turned around on Khan and waved until they turned the next corner and she could no longer see her friends.

"So." She said, turning to face forward once more.

"So." Shang echoed.

"I'm going to meet your mother?"

Shang smiled, "Don't worry. She's going to love you."

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They rode for a day and a night, resting their horses at regular intervals to conserve their energy. It was important they travel as quickly as possible because winter was almost upon them and they did not want to be stuck traveling through a blizzard. When the second morning dawned, Mulan was relieved to hear Shang say that they were very close to their destination. Within an hour they found themselves entering through the gates of a bustling town. It was a major trading town, with two trade routes cutting through its heart on intersecting paths. Shang led the way through the crowds, nudging his horse through slowly with Mulan right on his tail. The last time she had seen so many people gathered together like this was at the Imperial City. It was overwhelming, to be sure.

Finally they trotted through another set of gates into the private courtyard of a large townhouse. Stablehands were quick to come assist them, but Shang was faster and bracketed his hands around Mulan's waist to help her down off Khan.

"Shang?" A feminine voice called above all the racket. Shang froze before slowly turning to face the tall, slim figure shrouded in the full white of mourning standing in the doorway of her home.

"Mother." He murmured, before leaving Mulan to approach her. Mulan hung back, not wanting to intrude on their moment. Shang didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around his mother the second she was within arms reach.

"Thank goodness you're home." Shang's mother greeted him, before pulling away and swiping at a tear that had escaped her under her white veil.

"Now, who's this" She asked, turning kind eyes on the young woman accompanying her son.

"Mother, this is Fa Mulan." Shang introduced.

"Ah! I've heard much about you. The Hero of China." The woman greeted, her voice cooling a few degrees.

"And I've heard much about you, Ms. Li." Mulan answered her with a smile. She knew her reputation didn't look good on paper but she was going to try and make a good impression anyway.

"All good things, I hope?" The woman asked archly, throwing a glance at her son.

Mulan nodded, "Oh, yes. Shang was very flattering in his descriptions of you."

"Hmm...Well, come inside. Warm yourselves. I'll have our cook prepare your favorites, Shang." With that, Ms. Li turned away from Mulan, summarily dismissing her presence. Hugging her son again, she then stepped into her home.

Shang held out his hand for Mulan, who approached and took it, allowing him to pull her closer.

"Well, that could have gone better." Mulan admitted.

"She'll warm up to you." Shang reassured her, "She just doesn't know what to think of you yet."

"How comforting." Mulan murmured. Shang chuckled and led her into the house.

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It was during the evening meal that the interrogation began. Shang's mother had removed her veil to eat, revealing her features to Mulan, Her's was a striking, unique beauty. Certainly not the standard of the time. Her eyes were a little too far apart, set over a thin razor of a nose which Shang had inherited from her. He also seemed to have inherited her high cheekbones, though her's were more prominent. Her lips were full and she had painted them a deep red to draw attention to their fullness and seductive shape. She gave off a feeling of deep inner strength and fortitude. Given half a chance, Mulan was sure she would have made an equally talented general next to her husband. This was a woman who could easily lead armies. Or interrogate the love of her son's life.

"Why did you join the army?"

"Why didn't you leave when discovered?"

"What do you think of the Emperor?"

"Who are your parents and what are they like?"

"What is your view on Taoism?"

"What are your thoughts on children?"

On and on it went, with Mulan dutifully answering each question as honestly as she could. Ms. Li's sharp eyes never left her, dissecting each answer she gave before moving on. Shang stayed out of it, knowing his mother wouldn't accept her until she was completely satisfied. Finally, when the lamp oil was burning low and Mulan was stifling yawns, Ms. Li relented.

"Mulan, dear, you must be exhausted. One of the maids has prepared the guest room for you. You are welcome to retire there."

"Thank you so much for your hospitality." Mulan murmured sleepily before standing and following the maid from the room.

"Mother, was that really necessary?"

"Tell me that answer when you have children of your own." His mother answered back sassily. Shang's father always did say he enjoyed her spirit.

"So, we have your approval?"

"For now." His mother acquiesced with a small smile. Shang leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you."

Love or LawOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora