A Quiet Moment (sort of)

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Shang was both relieved and vaguely disappointed when he found that the palace physician had wrapped Mulan's entire torso with fresh bandages in the same manner the field physician had done so directly after the battle. Pushing aside his entirely inappropriate feelings, he set to work unraveling the bandage from around her hips and waist until the wound was revealed in its entirety. This left her chest securely covered but also revealed the smooth, unblemished skin over her toned abdomen. She was so beautiful, so strong. He could see the muscles she had worked so hard for, tensing with the amount of pain she was in. It hurt him to see how much she had been hiding from him. Why couldn't she rely on him more?

Taking clean, dry rags he placed them over her so as to strategically cover any skin that wasn't necessary for Chien-Po to see. Once that was done, Shang positioned himself so that he could lift Mulan's head onto his lap and gently run a cool, damp cloth over her burning forehead and cheeks to help soothe her fever.

"Alright, Chien-Po, she's ready for you." He called quietly.

Working swiftly, Po gently cleansed the wound and then packed it with the poultice he had created before carefully bandaging it again. Despite the great care that Po used, Mulan still felt his ministrations. It took all of Shang's concentration to keep her from hurting herself further as she tried to twist away from his and Po's hands. Every time she moaned or whimpered it sent a blade straight into his heart but Shang continued to grimly keep his grip on her thrashing form.

To try to soothe her and bring her some relief he used a cool cloth to wet her brow, and cheeks and throat. He also found himself murmuring soft nothings to her in an attempt to calm her. As quickly as Po worked, the tense moment seemed to last an eternity, and then it was over.

The two men sat back to examine their handiwork for a moment, then Shang gently tugged the blanket back over the still unconscious young woman.

"Well, what do you think?" Shang eventually queried. Po shrugged heavily.

"I'm no healer, Captain. From what I could tell, the wound is not infected. The fever she's fighting was probably caused because the wound was agitated from all the tensing and moving that naturally occurs when riding a horse. My best advice would be to stay here until she has regained enough of her strength to bring her to my family's home, since it is closest. There she can rest and once her wound has completely healed we can continue onwards to her home."

"And if your prognosis is wrong and the wound has become infected, what then?"

"Then it will be up to your decision, Captain, whether or not we risk remaining here or we risk moving her. Either decision could prove to be fatal to her."

Shang felt his heart sink. As Captain, he knew that he had to become accustomed to making the tough decisions that could make or take a soldiers life or even an entire army's, but that did not make it any easier. He had hoped that he would never have to make that decision when it came to someone he loved.

"Have hope, Captain. From what I can see there are no foul humors surrounding the wound and Fa Mulan is young, healthy and strong. The odds are very much in her favor if she is granted the time she needs to rest."

Shang could only nod, his eyes never leaving Mulan's prone form. Po was right, Mulan had every chance of pulling through but until she did, he would not leave her side.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Mulan woke up to the familiar sight of tent canvas stretching out above her. She could see pale sunlight softly filtering through the fabric and could hear the soft cooing of doves. All of which told her it was early morning, but something was off.

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