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Mulan woke up to find herself staring up at a ceiling. Not a tent or open sky but an honest to goodness ceiling and, for a long moment, she was filled with confusion. Then she remembered.

They had reached Po's village, Anquan, (fictional place as far as I know, I typed 'Safety' into Google Translation!) just as the sun sank below the hills the village was nestled up against. Throwing the entire landscape into deep twilight. Mulan had an impression of cozy looking homes lit from within by welcoming candles. She remembered Po leading them through a gated wall to one of the largest homes tucked back from the main road. She vaguely remembered the sound of relieved shouts of welcome and warm laughter. Then nothing but darkness.

Her exhaustion must have caught up to her at that point because she didn't remember dismounting or being shown to this room. She did know that she had slept better than she had in a long time. Course that might have something to do with the ultra soft, feather stuffed mattress she was laying on and the thick, heavy wool blanket thrown over her. She was warm, comfortable, safe and finally feeling rested. It was an euphoric sensation. Rolling onto her side, Mulan tucked her hand under her cheek and closed her eyes, content to sleep for another few hours.

She was awoken a short time later by the sound of a door sliding slowly open. Whoever was there was doing their best to avoid detection. Mulan carefully kept her breathing slow and even as she slowly inched her hand down. She managed to grip the flat dagger she had taken to keeping tucked in her waistband at the small of her back without giving herself away. When she heard the person draw closer, she lunged up, drawing the knife and pointing it at her intruder.

"Oh! Goodness me!" A tiny, plump woman with kind, caring eyes was sitting at her side; small hand over her heart as she stared down the length of the blade at Mulan, "You nearly scared the life out of me!" She scolded when it was clear Mulan was waiting for her to make a move, "I could have sworn you were fast asleep. There's no need to get so worked up, dear girl. You're quite safe. I'm sorry I startled you." The woman continued to explain, concern lacing her voice.

"Who are you?" Mulan questioned, lowering her knife slightly but not sheathing it. This woman didn't look like an enemy but you could never be too careful.

"My name is Chien Ai. I am Chien Po's mother." The woman answered with a warm, cheerful smile and suddenly Mulan could see the resemblance. She quickly sheathed her blade.

"I'm sorry, I just..." Mulan paused, not sure how to explain her reaction.

"It's quite alright, dear." Mrs. Chien reassured as she set about placing pillows behind Mulan's back to help her remain in an upright position, "I've worked with many a military man in my time, including my husband and son-in-law. You show the classic signs of a person who has fought a long, hard battle to survive. I should have expected it, but it's hard to keep in mind that such a pretty, young woman like you actually fought in, and won, a war!"

"Sometimes I can hardly believe it myself." Mulan answered sincerely. Chien Ai was such a warm, genuine personality, one could hardly not like her.

"Well, you'll certainly have plenty of reminder, what with that scar you now carry!" Ai answered briskly, setting a small table across Mulan's legs, "Why didn't you remain at the Capitol until you were fully healed? The best healers in the land reside there, as they should! They would have taken very good care of you, indeed!"

Mulan shook her head woefully, "It really didn't seem that serious. I just wanted to get home as quickly as I could to reassure my mother and father that everything was going to be okay. I know they must be so worried."

"Ah! Of course. I understand, dear." Ai murmured, reaching out and patting Mulan's hand in a pure motherly manner, "Worry can eat away at a person but! so. can. infection!" Her last few words were punctuated by sharp taps of her hand against Mulan's.

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