Just a Little Fluff

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This is kind of a filler chapter, as much as I hate to say it, and I know its super short but I hope you like it!


Mulan came awake with a start at Mushu's yell.

"Wha...?" She mumbled, trying to sit up but finding it impossible to do so for some strange reason.

"Don't you 'wha?' me, Young Lady! I asked you a question! What the chirpity-cheeeep! is going on here?!"

"Idonknowwhayertalkinbout..." She grumbled, allowing herself to flop back and rubbing her eyes free of sleep.

"Oh, really? Well, maybe this will ring a bell." Mushu said in a mockingly friendly voice, "WHY THE CHEEEEEEEEEEEEP! IS CAPTAIN LI SHANG SHARING YOUR BED?!" He finished on an ear-ringing bellow that caused Mulan to visibly flinch. Then his actual words sank in and Mulan turned her head to the side to find her Captain's sleeping face mere inches from her own.

"Wha...?" She yelped in confusion, pulling as far away from him as she could. Unfortunately for poor Mulan, that wasn't very far because of the way the man was clinging to her.

"You keep saying that! Finish your thought, girl! But think long and hard before you give me an answer!" Mushu scolded, talking over Crickie's angry sounding chirps.

"I don't understand!" Mulan breathed as she attempted to squirm out of her Captain's hold. Sometime during the night he had thrown a leg and an arm over her, effectively pinning her in place. He was pressed so close he was practically on top of her! As she struggled, Shang grumbled in his sleep and clutched her closer, burying his face in her neck. Mushu stood at the tent entrance scowling, arms crossed and tapping one foot angrily.

"You're lucky I found you first, before some other soldier wandered in here! What would possess you to allow this to happen?!"

"In case you didn't notice, Mushu, I was asleep! We slept closer than normal because it was so cold! How was I supposed to know that this was going to happen?" As she was whisper-shouting this, Mulan managed to pry Shang's arm off her waist and quickly gave him a push, hoping the momentum would get him to roll away from her. At the sudden movement, Shang growled in annoyance and his eyes flicked open to shoot a glare her way. Mushu grabbed Crickie by his antennae and charged for the exit but not before shouting, "This ain't over, Mulan! I still got a lot more I want to say to you!"

"What are you doing?" Shang grumbled as he slowly pushed himself into a sitting position, still not fully awake.

"I could ask you the same question, Captain." Mulan shot back, her face blazing with heat. Moving quickly, she stood, rolled up her sleeping mat and headed for the tent entrance. "I'm going to get breakfast."

Shang was left wondering what the heck had just happened.

Meanwhile, inside a nearby wagon, Crickie was doing his absolute best to scold Mushu for his language.

"Oh please, Crickie! You can't tell me you weren't having the exact same reaction! So what if I got a little carried away? We just found our little girl sleeping in the arms of that stupid Captain! How did you expect me to react? Besides, you did a fine job 'cheeping' me out anyway so it doesn't matter!" Turning his back, Mushu began to idly scratch caricatures in the side of the wagon.

"Stupid Captain, thinks he can steal my girl from me? Well, he's gonna learn real soon how big of a mistake he just made! No one's gonna touch my girl! Not on my watch. Who does he think he is?!" Mushu muttered to himself. The figures he was drawing slowly began to resemble Shang more and more, each one ending up in bizarre situations that ended in his demise.

"Stupid Captain with all his high-falootin military lineage and shiny swords and armor. I'll show him!"

Crickie just sat watching Mushu with an exasperated expression, shaking his tiny head at the dragon's childish sulking.

Aw! Shang likes to cuddle, who'd a thunk it? And there goes Mushu gettin' all protective and jealous!

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