Bring the Heat

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Mulan's muscles burned with exertion and her side ached fiercely but they had all made it to the top. Po leaned over the railing and easily lifted her up and over, setting her gently back on her feet. Once on the balcony, everyone pressed thelmselves against the wall, using the shadows to hide their distinct forms. Mulan met Yao and Ling's eyes and made a quick motion to either corner of the building. Both nodded and each silently stalked over to one of the corners to check for enemies. When both motioned that the coast was clear. Mulan looked sideways to Shang who was standing close enough to her for their shoulders to brush with every stray movement.

"Would you like command, Captain?" She whispered on a breath. Shang shook his head then leaned closer to respond, his warm breath on her neck sending a shiver up her spine.

"This is your plan, Mulan. Take control." Mulan tried to ignore how her name sounded in his voice, how his lips felt as they just grazed the rim of her ear with every word. Tried and failed miserably. He pulled back and gave her a nod. Mentally pulling herself together, Mulan tried to think of what they should do next. The middle balcony appeared to be clear of all enemies but, from the sounds the crowd was making, it seemed the Emperor and Shan Yu were visible to them. Which meant that they would be on the top balcony. Shan Yu was proud, he wanted an audience for this victory. Would he be so proud that he would only post guards outside the door blocking that balcony? Mulan wasn't sure.

"Okay, here's the plan." She whispered, raising her voice slightly so the rest could hear, "Ling, you'll go ahead as lookout. Po watch our backs. The Emperor will most likely be on the top balcony facing the crowd. We need to find the fastest way there and avoid being detected by the guards. If you are spotted, don't panic. Remember, you are a woman. All they will see when they look at you is helplessness personified. Play the part until you have a chance to take them out."

"What about me?" Shang murmured.

"Once we clear the way, your job will be to get to where the Emperor is and distract Shan Yu long enough for us to extract His Majesty."

"How do we plan on escaping with the Emperor?"

"We'll work that out when we see what kind of situation we're dealing with. Be on your toes and ready for my orders."

Mulan looked around at her friends' faces, seeing only determination there. They knew they were outnumbered and out-skilled but they were listening to her and putting their trust in her. It was a daunting prospect. She knew next to nothing about leading anyone, she just had a knack for improvisation and she desperately hoped it would be enough. It had to be.

"Alright. Let's move out!"

At her word Ling quickly moved down the hall leading into the depths of the palace, pausing to glance around the corner before waving them forward. She, Yao and Shang moved silently after him and Po followed them a few paces back, keeping an eye to the rear.

They traversed the palace quickly and efficiently. They didn't run into anyone, which seemed to confirm Mulan's suspicions. They found the main stairs leading to the top floor and, after a slight pause to listen for the enemy, headed up. This is where they found their first evidence of the Huns. Several soldiers were felled along the length of the staircase, with a large number of them shoved off to the side at the very top. The Huns had fought their way through to the balcony, leaving only the dead in their wake. As the five of them made their way past the carnage, they heard the muffled boom of large doors closing. As one, they turned to the left and jogged down the hall towards the sound. When they came near to the end of the hall, Mulan held up her hand and they slowed, then came to a halt. Very cautiously she peeked around the corner to take stock of the situation. Turning back, she found her friends waiting expectantly for her report.

"This passage is a dead end." She whispered, "There are four men guarding large double doors. They must lead to the balcony where they're keeping the Emperor. Po, Yao, when we get close enough I want you to deal with the two in the middle. Ling you take the one on the right. I'll take the archer on the left. Once they are contained, Shang, get to the balcony and stop Shan Yu. Any questions?"

"Does this dress make me look fat?" Yao grumbled jokingly as he tugged at his skirt. Mulan reached out and smacked him upside the head before he could react.


"Go!" She hissed, shoving the idiots around the corner before they could come up with more ridiculous questions. Irritably yanking her fan out of her sash, she went to follow them only to be pulled back around the corner by her free arm. She found herself pinned between the palace wall and a very intense-looking Captain Li.

"Shang, wha...?!"

"I know this isn't the best time but if I don't do this now I may never have a chance to again and I'm tired of living with regret." He murmured, drawing so close she could feel his warm breath fan across her cheeks. Before she could utter a sound he wrapped one strong arm around her waist to pull her body flush with his, placed a large gentle hand on her jaw and then his lips were suddenly on hers, gently coaxing.

Mulan's mind went blank. She didn't know what to think, how to react. She was only aware of the burning warmth of the man holding her, surrounding her. His dark head tilted, deepening their kiss. Her eyes fluttered close at the sensation and, with a small murmur of pleasure, she wrapped her arms around his neck, determined to pull him closer if that was even possible. Fire flickered over them, between them, licking up her spine with delicious intensity. Then, just as quickly as it started, it ended; with Shang pulling away from her despite her best efforts to keep him exactly where he was.

"Mulan!" He growled warningly. God, how she loved the sound of her name in his voice! His hands found her shoulders and pressed her into the cool wall. He was panting slightly but, then again, so was she.

"You need to go." He whispered lowly. Then he was pushing her around the corner before her thoughts had completely unscrambled themselves. Her heart was racing as though she had just run a mile uphill and her whole body felt as though it were vibrating. She could still feel the heat of him pressed against her. All she wanted to do was return to his arms and never let go.

Then the scene before her came into focus. Po, Yao and Ling were standing before the guards at the door. She didn't have time to contemplate the why, what or how of the past few minutes. She had a job to do and an entire country depending on her. Forcing her thoughts to the here and now, she sauntered over to the men, keeping her pace sedate and hoping her face wasn't as red as she felt it was.

Just a she arrived, Ling managed to accidentally drop an apple. It rolled across the rich carpeting and came to a stop directly at the Hun's feet. The huge, hulking beast of a man leaned down and scooped up the apple, offering it to Ling with a surprisingly gentle smile. Mulan almost felt bad for the guy as the boys retaliated by drawing the rest of the fruit out of hiding. The guards' eyes widened in shock and surprise when they saw they had been tricked into letting the enemy into their defenses. The two other guards swarmed forward as the attack began. Mulan ran forward to meet the archer. Her blood singing with adrenaline. This is exactly the distraction I need, she thought, A good, hard fight!

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