Drama, Drama, Toil and Drama!

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Whoo! I'm telling you right now this chapter was a doosy! Ever try wrestling a rhino? I haven't, but I imagine it'd be something like writing this chapter!It fought me every inch of the way but in the end, totally worth it! Please enjoy and don't say I didn't warn you! ;p

Once Ai had checked Mulan's wound thoroughly to ensure no further damage had been done to it, Mei came in apologizing profusely. She insisted on helping Mulan repair her outfit. Luckily, only the ivory underskirt was too mudstained to save. Mei found a pale pink skirt to take its place and both girls admitted the effect was even better than the ivory. However, Mulan refused to wear the navy overskirt and blue sash again. They put too much pressure on her wound and were purely for decorative purposes anyway.

By the time Mei escorted Mulan back to the great room Ai, Shang, Jing Hai, Yao, Ling, Po, Peijing and another man Mulan was unfamiliar with, were already sitting at the dining table waiting for the noon meal. There were only two seating mats left. One was placed between Jing Hai and Ai. The other was between Shang and Po. Mei was quick to take her place beside her husband, which left Mulan sitting next to Shang. Judging from Mei's sly wink, this had been done purposefully.

Sending a small smile Shang's way, Mulan took her seat, which also happened to be directly across from the unfamiliar man. She was quick to notice as well that Peijing had managed to settle herself across from Shang.

"Mulan, may we introduce my cousin's escort and personal guard, Ming Jiang." Mei introduced the unknown man who bowed his head briefly to her but remained silent. Mulan returned the gesture.

"Fa Mulan, before we begin the meal I believe Lin Peijing has something she would like to say to you." Jing Hai stated formally, bending a stern look at his wife's cousin. Peijing glowered back before fixing her features into the picture of serenity.

"I apologize for my earlier behavior, Fa Mulan. I'm sure you can understand my excitement upon seeing Shang after so long. I never meant to injure you. Please forgive me." She apologized prettily, her tone as sweet as could be. However, Mulan could see the daggers in her eyes. This girl didn't mean a word she had just uttered. Mulan didn't necessarily want to cause a scene but she refused to play this girl's little game.

"There is nothing to be forgiven. You didn't injure me. I was simply caught off guard by your...exuberance." Mulan assured her, earning herself a sharp glare.

"But Mei told me you were complaining of an injury." the girl insisted, "I'm sure it is not a serious one but, if you feel the need, you are certainly welcome to go rest and recover. Do not feel obligated to sit with us if you don't feel up to it."

Mulan wasn't sure where Peijing was trying to go with this. It sounded like she was both minimizing the injury and yet drawing attention to Mulan's initial reaction to the pain, making it sound like an overreaction.

Deciding to be honest she answered, "I'm on the mend from a wound I received while battling Shan Yu. My fall simply strained it a bit but I'm alright. Thank you for your concern."

"What do you mean 'battling'? You speak as though you were in a war!" Peijing laughed lightly and Mulan shared a glance with Shang.

"I was part of the war effort, yes. I must say, Ai, these potatoes are delicious!" She tried to change the subject, uncomfortable with the amount of attention she was suddenly getting.

"As a fighter?" Ming Jiang finally spoke up but Mulan sensed no malice from him, simply curiosity.

"Yes, as a fighter." Shang answered for her.

"But why? Surely there are safer ways to receive the attention you crave." Peijing stated impertinently. Mulan could only stare at her in astonishment. What did the girl mean by 'attention'?

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