Evil Is As Ellie Does.

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Charleigh's POV.

Adam, Ellie and I were all walking towards there houses, Adam in the middle and Ellie and I stood on either side of him, our arms around him, and he had his arms wrapped around the smalls of our backs.

"Hey let's cut through here." Ellie said. Motioning to a dark alley short cut we used to take to her house.

"No way! We want people & Lights. the more, the better." I said grabbing Ellie's arm.

"Listen, Brewster, Vampires don't exist, haven't you got that through your thick head yet?" Ellie said.

"Ok, what if your wrong, Evil,? What if Dandrige is a vampire and she thinks you know it? Would you walk down that alley then?" I said.

"Oh my God, screw you Brewster!" Ellie said as she began walking.

"Evil, please just stick with us!" I said.

"Forget it! You may be chicken shit, but I'm not." Ellie snapped.

Ellie started walking untill Adam and I couldn't see her.

"What do we do?" I asked Adam, my voice thick with panic.

"Let her go, Charleigh, just let her go." Adam said.


Ellie's POV.

I couldn't believe Charleigh!

She had to be going out of her mind.

After I left her and Adam, I continued to walk deeper into the alley, I could have sworn I heard footsteps behind me, but when I looked no one was there.

"Huh." I said to myself.

After walking some more, I ran into a really thick fog.

And I could hear the footsteps again.

This time, Even thought I could barely see, I could make out a silhouette, just outside the fog.

"Charleigh, Adam, is that you?" I asked the silhouette in the distance.

"If that's you two, it's not working, I'm not scared." I said.

Then, the fog parted, and then I could see who it was, she stepped out of the fog, wearing a sliver/Gray trench coat, that hung almost to her feet. And a long read scarf that hung down her neck.

Jerri Dandrige.

She started walking towards me.

I backed the hell up.

I bolted.

I started running as fast as I could go, through mud puddles, by trash cans, that's when I slipped in a puddle of water, and fell into the trash pile.

"Shit!" I screamed inside my head.

She just kept coming.

I jumped up, my legs were throbbing, but I didn't care.

I had to get out of here.

I chose a part where the alley branched off, hopefully she would think I went home and go the other way.

I ran so hard, I didn't even look ahead off me, I kept looking for Jerri and in doing so, I didn't see that this alley was a dead end and I ran smack into the brick wall.

I feel to the ground with a thud.

"Damn." I growled.

My head felt as if I had just bashed half of in.

I sat on the ground for two tenths of a second, before I jumped up and remembered why I was here.

Suddenly the fog was back.

It was coming down the alley way, trapping me inside.

But then as fast as it had came, it started to back down the alley way.

Thank God.

I started to back up when I bumped into something.

"Hello, Ellyanore." Jerri said.

"Shit!" I said as I feel back down to the ground.

I started trembling.

Jerri noticed.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." Jerri said.

"I know what it's like being different, only they won't pick on you anymore....Or beat you up....I'll see to that." She said.


Why was she doing this?

What was she going to do to me?

"All you have to do is take my hand....here Ellyanore, take my hand...." She let her voice trail off.

She reach out her hand.

She had long skinny fingers.

Different from earlier.

Tears came down my face, how could it really be coming down to this?

But I knew my fate, Charleigh, Adam, Prysillah. No one could save me now, Charleigh was right.

She was right.

But then I thought of Charleigh.

She had never been a 'best friend' if that's what you want to call it.

I was just for convenience, I think she felt sorry for me.


Adam had been nice, he teased me from time to time, but at least he didn't call me 'Evil'.

Charleigh did.

I decided what I was gonna do.

I took her hand.

She helped me up off the ground and pulled me closer until I was under her coat.

Her icy skin was the last thought that entered my mind.

Before her fangs sliced through my throat.


Sorry this chapter is kind of short, but I have long ones planed out.

Love u all!!

💜 Nikki

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