Recruiting Ms. Vincent.

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Ellie's POV

The ride to Prysillah's was mostly quiet. Every once in awhile Adam would try to lighten the mood.

I barely said anything untill we reached Prysillah's appartment building.

The building loomed in the sky.
Looking almost like a castle.

I googled all I could about Prysillah before I even left for Charleigh's, just In case.

"Prysillah Vincent
745 Coolidge Avenue
Apartment #654" I said to Adam.

"Well this is the place." He replied to my reading of Prysillah's address.

"Let's just get this over with." He said.

Adam and I got out of the car and headed to apartment #654.

He walked into the lobby and took an elevator to the floor where her apartment was.

"I can't believe we're going to meet the Prysillah Vincent." Adam said as we got off of the elevator.

"Yeah, but don't forget why we're meeting her." I reminded him.

Adam and I found her apartment easly.

We knocked twice on her door before we got an answer.

Shortly after, the door opened.

And there stood the Prysillah Vincent!

"Yes?" She asked.

"Ms. Vincent, could we talk to you for a moment?" Adam asked.

"Oh, I'm afraid not, now is not the best time." She said, closing the door.

"Please, it's very important." Adam said as he stuck his foot in the door.

"Well if you'll just wait one moment, then yes, I can see you." Prysillah said.

She closed the door, and Adam and I could hear shuffling inside, a moment later the door popped open.

"Come on in." Prysillah said.

"Now what can I do for you two." She added.

"An autograph, or perhaps an interview for your school news paper?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Ms. Vincent but I'm afraid this is much more important than that stuff." Adam said.

"Really? What could be more important then my autograph?" She asked.

"Well.... Saving a Girl's life?" I asked.

Prysillah turned to me.

''Oh yes, I can see how that would be much more important." She said.

"Perhaps you would care to explain?" She said.

"Well then, do you remember a crazy chick named Charleigh Brewster?" I asked her.

Adam glared at me.

What? I was just cutting to the chase.

"She said she came to see you." I added.

"Hmm, no I'm sorry I don't know her." Prysillah said.

"She's the one who believes that a vampire is living next door to her." Adam said.

"Oh, yes.." Prysillah said, remembering.

"You know that girl is insane."

Adam's face kind of fell at Prysillah's words.

"Oh my dear, I do hope shes not a friend of yours." Prysillah said.

"Yeah, he's in love with her." I said.

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