'Evil' Ellie's Advise.

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Charleigh's POV

"Evil!" I screamed as I flew through Ellie's Bed Room door.

Ellie was setting at her desk, taking something apart and putting it back together.

"Hello, Charlotte, And to what do I owe this dubious pleasure?" Ellie asked mockinly as I set on the edge of her bed.

"The Vampire knows that I know about her, or at least she will when she wakes up tonight." I blurted out to her.

"What? Charleigh what are you talking about?" Ellie asked, real curiosity in her voice.

"Ellie, we've been friends for a long time, right?" I said.

"Yes, Charleigh, we have but what are you talking about?" Ellie said.

"Ellie, I would never lie to you, your my best friend, so please believe me when I tell you that I have a vampire living next door to me, and she's gonna kill me tonight if I don't protect myself." I said in a rush.

"What?" Ellie laughed at me.

"Damn it, Ellie I haven't got time to explain, but please help me." I said begging.

"Very funny Brewster." She said turning her attention back to her desk.

"Please, I'm not kidding, Evil, tell me what to do." I said in a pleading tone.

"Don't call me 'Evil' anymore." She snapped.

"Why should I help you with this anyways Charleigh?" She asked.

"Ok,..." I said digging around inside my pocket, "... I've got $20, you help me out with this and it's yours." I said, throwing the money on her desk.

"Well, then far be it from me to turn down a fools money." Ellie said as she stuck the money in her pocket.

"Now..." She started. "...where and when do you expect the vampire to attack?" She asked.

"In my bedroom, tonight." I said.

"Ok then, here..." She said as she got up and walked to a shelve across her room, and pulled down a small gold cross.

"...try this, but you must have total faith in it, for it to work. Then get some garlic, links of the stuff, so you can hang it around your neck and from the windows, because if she comes for you BAM! That'll be the way to get her, And oh, of course there's holy water, but you got to get a priest to say a blessing over it first." Ellie said.

"That's it!" I cried.

"I'm afraid so Charleigh, but your best protection right now, is that no Vampire can ever enter a house without first being invited in by the rightful owner." Ellie said matter-of-factly.

"Your Shure about that?" I asked.

"Positive." Ellie simply said.

"Oh thank you Ellie, thank you!" I said as I hugged her tightly and left her house.

"Shure, Shure." She said as I left.


Authors Note: Again sorry it's so short, had some writers block on this chapter, but please bear with me. Love you guys.


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