Billie Jean.

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Charleigh's POV.

As I drove my car up oak Street, with a police detective behind me,
I couldn't help but think maybe this was going a little bit to far.

Besides, she's a VAMPIRE for crying out loud, she wouldn't even be awake.

I pulled up across the street from the old Perry house, and stepped out of the car.

Just as I did this, a young, pretty woman stepped out of the brown car that had pulled up ahead of me.

She walked over to me, and smiled.

"Hello." She said, shaking my hand.

"I'm detective Lennox." She said.

"Hey, I'm Charlotte Brewster, the one who called you, but please call me Charleigh." I said.

"Yes, well then Charleigh, your Shure about this now?" She asked.

"Yes, positive." I said as we headed to the house.

We walked up the grand front steps, even when the Perry's did live here, I had never been inside, not even on the porch, as we were now, but it was a beautiful house.

Detective Lennox knocked on the door.

We heard footsteps and a minute later the door opened, and a face I was already sickingly familiar with stood in the door frame.

"Uh, yes hello, my name is detective Lennox, I'm with the homicide unit, do you mind if we come in and ask some questions?" She said.

Well she Shure wasn't beating around the bush.

"No, not at all, please come in." She said. motioning us inside.

I had always imagined what this house had looked like.

But all that I had imagined had just been blown out of the water.

The house was huge. There was a grand living room with at least a hundred clocks on the far wall of it.

In the center of the house was a huge grand wooden staircase, that lead straight up to the most beautiful stain-glass window I had ever seen.

And the upstairs was one big rap-around floor that went all the way around in a perfect square above us.

Detective Lennox must have been as shocked as I was, because she looked around in wonder as well.

''This is quite someplace you got here." Was all she said.

"Yes, thank you, we're restoring it" the chocolate haired woman said.

"We?" Asked detective Lennox.

"Yes me and my roommate." The chocolate haired woman said.

"Do you care to better identify yourself Miss...?" Detective Lennox said.

"Cole, Billie Jean Cole" she said.

"Yes, thank you Miss Cole, and your roommates name is...?"

"Dandrige, Jeryena Dandrige, but she goes by Jerri, Jerri Dandrige." She said.

"Yes, thank you, um, where is miss dandrige now?" Lennox asked.

"She's away on business, is there anything I can help you with?" Billie Jean asked.

"Yes, actually there is, there was a murder last night and Miss Charleigh Brewster here, lives next-door and thinks she saw the victim in this house." Lennox said, to the point.

"That's impossible, I was hear with Jerri all last night. There was nobody else in the house." Billie Jean said.

"That's a lie, I saw her carry the body out side in a bag." I said rather fast.

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