My Sweet Atem

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Amanda's POV

*9 years later, Sandra is now 10 years old*

I had watched my family grow, but I was needed back in Egypt for the first time in 5,000 years. How could I even begin to tell my own daughter, who is next in line to rule Egypt, that I was going back there to take care of some business? I wish I could tell everything, but I am going to tell her a little. She might ask Atem more about our past.
"Mom, what are you doing? What are you wearing?" Sandra asked me.
"I am going back to Egypt. Me and your father are the rulers of Egypt. And your our little Princess of Egypt." I calmly said. Sandra teared up and hugged me, I hugged back and kissed her head.
"Sandra, your dad needs you." Yugi said. She nodded and seen me gone. I walked to Mahad as he was on his knee.
"Please, rise." He stood up as he smiled. We hugged and talked for a bit while we walked. "What happened?" I asked.
"After the Pharaoh left, thieves around tried to steal artifacts from the previous Pharaoh's tomb." Mahad told me.

"Has anyone done anything?" I asked.

"I have sent guards and trained magicians to the tomb to protect it." Mahad mentioned.

"My Queen." Seto said as he was on one knee, in respect to me because I am with Atem. As all three of us went to throne room, I went to the throne and sat upon it. I sighed, knowing that I can't leave until this is taken care of. I wonder what your doing, Atem, my once former Pharaoh whom had slaves.

"Is something wrong, my Queen?" Mahad asked.

"Huh? Oh, yes. I'm fine, Mahad. I'm just wondering what he's doing while I'm away with our daughter." I said with tears.

"Sandra I believe is your daughter's name." Mahad stated, I nodded knowing that she should have came.

"Who is Sandra?" Seto asked me.

"My and the Pharaoh's daughter." I said as everyone turned to look at me.

"But...your past...." Seto started but didn't know how to finish.

"My past is nothing to be concerned about, Seto. If there was an issue that needed to be addressed, then I would have already addressed it by now." I said a little upset.

"Yes, my Queen." Seto said. I need you, my Pharaoh, my Atem. And I also need my daughter, Sandra too. My little angel, my two angels.

"Mom?" Sandra asked.

"Sandra?" I asked as I stood up. Guards grabbed her arms, Mahad knew who she was.

"Let her go, this is her daughter." Mahad told the guards. The guards let her go as she ran up to me and gave me a hug. We hugged for a little while and we seperated.

"Dad told me everything, why didn't you tell me that you and father met 5,000 years ago?" Sandra asked me. I sighed and teared up.

"Sweetie, before me and your father got married, I was his slave. But he saved me from dying on his watch." I told her.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me that you were a slave?" She asked me.

"It can be hard for your mother and father to tell you this. They were waiting to tell you until it was time for you to take the throne of Egypt knowing of their pasts." Mahad told her. Atem, Yugi and their friends made it to Egypt. Atem told the guards that Yugi and their friends were friends of ours. I walked past them and walked into our once shared room, I ended up crying in the room. Mahad came in, sat down next to me and gave me a warming hug.

"Mother?" I heard a soft voice call out in question. I looked up and seen a small Sandra.

"Mommy's just letting out some sadness." I told her.

Amanda Finds True Love (Yugioh Atem x OC)Where stories live. Discover now