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Amanda's POV
It has been over ten years since the last time me, Atem, Yugi and his friends were all together like this. Everyone came over and started to have a good time. Joey, Tristan, and Tèa were all playing Truth or Dare, me, Yugi and Atem were just talking about what's been going on in our lives. Yugi's grandpa even came over to talk to all of us. Atem pulled me close to him, afraid that he might lose his memories again.
"You don't have to hold me close, you know." I mentioned.
"I know. But, if there is any chance that one of us loses our memories, I just want you to know that I will always love you." Atem told me. I never looked into his eyes to see that what he was saying was true, but I remember everything about him. In these past years, I almost forgot about Atem, until he came back to stay with me and his friends. I never told him, but he figured it out when I didn't immediately run into his arms.
"Atem, have you ever considered about kids?" I asked out of the blue. Atem looked at me as I looked back with curious eyes.
"Now that you mentioned, I have been wanting to ask you for little while." Atem told me, as everyone turned to help us with our discussion.
"Please, this is their decision. They must do it themselves." Yugi told his friends.
"Please don't go." I said, fear in my voice.
"Amanda, are you okay?" Yugi's Grandpa asked me. I was terrified not knowing what will happen. I started crying as Yugi's Grandpa comforted me by giving me a hug.
"Amanda, whatever happens, we all will be there to support you." Tèa told me. Grandpa gave me to Atem and went to get me a glass of water. I was more terrified losing my own life than creating new life. As Grandpa came back with the glass of water, he noticed that I fell asleep with Atem hugging me. I have never scared myself like that except for when I was captured by Atem's guards. That memory may still be there, but it never terrified me so bad. I had been awoken by Atem carrying me to my room, it was a little late. Atem told me that everyone had left to go their homes, but he told them that he would stay with me. I never was more glad to be in his arms that I've ever been. But in this case, he told me that he would wait for me until I was ready.
"I'm mentally ready, but physically, I'm not ready physically." I told him. Atem nodded his head, knowing that his was tired, so he pretended to fall asleep. I fell asleep after he did, and when he opened his eyes again, he kissed my neck and I let out an unintentional moan. I never wanted to escape, but Atem was testing me to see if I was ready. I looked at him as if he was really doing this. Atem looked at me with lustful eyes. Atem continued to kiss my neck until he reached between my jaw and neck, I moaned louder due to the contact. I closed my eyes enjoying this new found pleasure that Atem was giving me. I don't want him to stop, but Atem did stop and he looked at me.
"Amanda, I understand if your not ready." Atem told me. I was still in the world he put me in. He must have noticed this because I was still panting a little. I only looked at him wanting more, Atem noticed that I wanted more. But, he was not giving me what I wanted. I could feel him teasing me over this, and he was getting his way. I feel like I was small and he was bigger than me. At first, I was a slave to Atem, and now I am the Queen of Egypt. I think this is why Atem was teasing me over it because he wanted to wait for me to be ready. He wanted me to tell him that I was ready. But, I didn't know how to tell him that I was ready. But I know why he did this to me, and that is to give me more time for us to have children.

Tell me in the comments if you liked it or if you didn't like it. If you want to request anything, request away. See you in the next chapter.

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