My Memories

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Amanda's Journal

"To my loved ones and friends,

  This maybe the end for my life, but not for yours. I loved being with you all not just as my best friends, but as family. Nothing in my life has been sad or has never been dull. Please let Atem and Sandra know that I love them both ever so much. Do not cry for me, for this will be the last time that we shall meet, nothing more will be lost in my memories. I will have my memories lead me to my place of rest. My own life has never been more filled with the memories, the memories that has been in my mind that is worth more than a million dollars. Everything has to come to an end at some point in their own lifespan, in their own final chapter, they gently swift away, and I must do the same. In my life before meeting King Atem, I was a sold slave to him and his family. I stayed close to him and knew everything about him and the Egyptian God Cards. 

I hope that this has found you, my family, my life will live on with you. Nothing will die, only if you let it. I will always love you, my family, and my promise to you is that I will never let my memories of you all die. Only if you make the same promise to me once I'm gone, and once I'm gone, I'll be here once I'm gone. Nothing is worse than me leaving this place, this only place that floods in my memories. Only this time it's different, the memories that come flooding in are of my mother before she had passed.

Anything else that has been told about me by my husband and only daughter has been true, my life has been nothing but been a great life. Nothing has been farther from being boring.

My memories has been filled with loving scenes of love and happiness. Those have been the best memories that I treasured for the rest of my life until the day that I passed.

Yours truly,


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