I Will Always Be By Your Side

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Amanda's POV
*One Month Later*
I noticed that a little bump formed, knowing that this is just the beginning. I had mood swings, what got me the most was lashing out to my friends and to my husband. I feared that would happen, but I just never knew that I would lash out towards them.

   "Amanda?" Atem asked me softly.

   "I'm sorry. Our kid is not going to love me." I said crying softly.

   "They are going to love you how I love you." Atem told me.

  "Really?" I asked.

  "Yes." Atem told me as he kissed me softly. I smiled knowing that he would always be here. Time went by as the baby grew inside, and so did the kicking. Another month went by and we know the gender of the baby, which happens to be a little girl. But what we didn't expect was that Atem was needed back to Egypt to help protect the lands.

 "Why do you have to go back?" I asked with tears.

  "Don't worry. I will have Mahad watch over you and our little one until I come back." Atem told me. I nodded softly as we kissed softly, never wanting to leave each other.  As Atem left, Mahad walked over to me and held me close to him as he once did years ago. "Mahad, if she gives birth before I come back, tell our child stories about me until my return."

  "Yes my king. But what if your child calls me dad?" Mahad asked.

  "Then tell her that her real dad is on his way." Atem said as he faded away. For the rest of the pregnancy, I only felt numbness. I forgot what it felt like being in Atem's arms, but luckily I had Mahad to keep me company. One afternoon, while I was waiting with Yugi and his friends with Mahad next to me, my water broke. I knew that she was coming, I leaned towards Mahad to help me.

    "We need to take her to the hospital. I will wait for Atem to return." Yugi stated. Joey and Mahad put me in the back of the car. I waited as the rest got into the car and we went to the hospital.

*At the hospital*

The doctors and nurses were in the labor and delivery. I had pushed for ten minutes, a cry could be heard in the room. The doctors cut the cord and already put a diaper on her.

    "What's her name?" Mahad asked.

     "Me and Atem were talking and we want to name her..."

     "Sandra." Atem stated and I cried knowing that he was here with me and our little one. Atem came closer and gave me a hug, we knew that this would be very rough down the road but we know that will be worth it. 

*1 year later*

I was in the kitchen making some food for Sandra. Yugi and his friends are over and Sandra started to cry a little. 

   "Mommy's here with your food." I calmly said as she calmed down. I gave her a small spoonful and she smiled as she ate the small amount of food that I gave her. Atem picked her up and held her close as she laid her head on his shoulder.
    "That's adorable." Atem said as he laid her down in her crib to take her nap.
    "Atem, Amanda. Do both of y'all need any help?" Yugi asked.
    "Yes. We do." Atem said as I yawned.

   "Amanda, Atem, you both go take a nap. We will stay back and for the night to watch Sandra." Yugi said as he held Sandra.

     "Thank you, Yugi. Thank you everyone." I said. Yugi told me your welcome, Atem and I went to our room, laid on the bed, closed our eyes, and started to take our nap for the first time after the first year of Sandra's life.

Amanda Finds True Love (Yugioh Atem x OC)Where stories live. Discover now